Bucky Barnes •

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the request / inspo : Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers platonic x reader where the reader is Bucky's younger sister (15) and was taken by HYDRA around the time Steve crashed into the ice, they did experiments on her like Wanda and she gained her powers from the Tessaract, she has the power to control the elements and change into any animal or being and when Bucky and Steve finally find her and take her to be with them she has mastered her powers and tries to go on as many missions as possible even when Bucky says no and one day she goes on a very dangerous mission and almost gets captured by terrorists but the team saves her and Bucky yells at her bc he was scared for her which ends up making her cry but then he comforts her and is super fluffy??
(1027 words)
it's been sooo long since you
requested but I hope you like it!!

When Bucky Barnes supposedly fell to his death during the war in the forties his younger sister, y/n Barnes was left in the hands of her mother only. But instead of dying down in a ravine with a missing arm, Hydra 'rescued' him and made him a soldier as strong as his best friend... and a monster that killed without reason.

And on one late night when she was fifteen, y/n Barnes was kidnapped by masked Hydra men, never to be seen again...

In the present day, however, a new ghost had risen behind the Winter Soldier, the Elementalist. A young woman heard of by few, most who knew of her are dead. But the Avengers are searching for the ex-Hydra assassin, Bucky Barnes leading the search with torn memories of a teen soldier like him. "Except," he says, "they experimented on her differently than with the serum. She can control the elements, given her name, and she can shapeshift into any animal she wants to."

But soon they found the girl, in an abandoned Hydra safehouse she had taken to hiding in. Steve and Bucky take the lead into the house, the Avengers creeping in behind them and sweeping the house for The Elemental. And when they found her they found a teen standing ready to defend herself with fire in her palms, flames flickering over her skin. Only Bucky froze at the sight of her, "y/n?" He whispered, Steve's mouth dropping open at the sight of the younger Barne's sibling.

"Should I recognize that name?" The teen snarls and the team stands wary of the powers she holds.

"It's you," Bucky tries to reason, "you're y/n Barnes. You're my little sister."

"No." she winces, a headache beginning to pound in her head as the mindwashings, tortures, and memories flood over her. Her knees weaken and she stumbles to the floor, Bucky is already there to hold her as tears begin to fall down her cheeks and she looks up at him whispering his name. Bucky pulls her into a hug, cradling her head against his shoulder as she sobs in his arms and he can't help crying himself.

After finding the younger Barnes sister the Avengers welcome her into their growing family. Soon they discover that she can control her powers and that she's learned how to use them to their full extent. Having been used to going on missions, y/n begged to be taken on missions with the Avengers. But with their parents dying almost fifty years ago, Bucky is her guardian and he would much rather she sit out of a mission than die when he finally gets her back.

So y/n Barnes grew restless in the Avengers tower. Pietro and Wanda and Peter are all about her age, except she is older than all three of them due to being frozen by Hydra. She just looks sixteen, she most definitely isn't a kid anymore and y/n hates being treated like she is.

One day while everyone was out on a mission, the emergency sirens went off. Y/n answered the call and went off to fight, except it quickly became more than she could handle alone.

The Avengers had only just finished their mission when Friday got them the message from y/n that a mission had come up and to meet her there as soon as they could. Bucky, terrified, jumped from the jet into the battle to find his little sister once they got to the firefight. Y/n had become surrounded by soldiers firing at her, and all she could do was send waves of air to block the bullets. She sent water and fire their ways, but it wasn't enough to stop the mercenaries until the Avengers joined her.

And y/n was bleeding heavily, she hadn't been able to stop every bullet and she hadn't stopped every man from reaching her. Y/n wobbles on her feet when Bucky reaches her, and his eyes widen as she stumbles and passes out.

Y/n's eyes flutter as she slowly wakes up. The world is tedious in coming into focus, but soon enough she can see well enough to find her brother sitting at her side with his head in his hands.

"Jamie? What happened?"

"Y/N!" The confused teen in the hospital bed expects her brother to tell her what happened or at least act relieved that she's awake, but instead Bucky starts yelling at her.

"ARE YOU CRAZY! Going after all of those terrorists alone! You could have died, you could've gotten someone killed! And imagine if the news spread around the world!? If Hydra was still out there they could've come and kidnapped you or-"

But Bucky freezes as he pauses to look at y/n and finds her crying. Tears rush down her cheeks and her chest quakes with a sob but just as quickly as he had frozen in his rant, Bucky has his arms around his little sister hugging her tightly. He whispers in her ears as she cries into his chest, mumbling apology after apology. Saying that he's sorry, that he was just so scared for her. He just can't lose his little sister again.

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