Tony Stark •

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Tony Stark x reader
- includes fluff and violence
- reader insert ( y/n )
- ( y/p ) is in the place of miss, sir, or another pronoun of your choice
             ( suddenly realized i had a different plan for this, and now the description says fluff and violence but there isn't any real violence... )

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He had woken up that morning at around 4 a.m. and had decided to head below the house to his shop to at least be productive in the hours he was awake. Y/n was out cold, having just come back from a week long mission yesterday and sleep had not yet caught up with them. Y/n hadn't quite noticed the half of the bed that had become empty and freezing without their boyfriend to warm it ( or to warm them up ) once Tony left, they were so deep in sleep.

Still the next day came suddenly and Jarvis opened the blinds in the room as he did everyday at the scheduled time of 9:48 a.m. Only y/n hid deeper into the covers, for their throat felt like thousands of ants were carrying sandpaper up against the sides and everything burned as they shivered even with the sheets and comforter covering them.

"J?" A voice croaked louder than a bullfrog in the middle of a summer night and cracked worse than a young high school teacher's voice in the mornings from under the multiple sheets.

"Yes, y/p Y/n?"

"Can you tell, Tones, that-." Their message was interrupted by a horrible cough that felt it was meant to fill their lungs with a scorching fire, "ugh. Tell 'em I'm sick."

"Of course, y/p."

In a matter of minutes y/n's dashing knight out of his armor came into the room with a tray filled with medicine, food, a gallon of hot tea with three cups of sugar in it, and a laptop with movies and tv shows galore. A tired grin spread on y/n's lips at the sight and they shimmied over for Tony to settle himself beside them. They took the laptop and The Office began to play with a click of the space bar. Tony took their temperature and set a chilly, damp towel on their forehead before placing his arm around them and pulling them close.

Y/n's phone rang from the bedside table and they paused the show to answer the FaceTime call from their brother, Clint. "Hey," he said gently, kids and animals noisy in the background, "Tony called and said you were sick?"

All y/n felt like doing was nodding and passed the phone into Tony's hand, who immediately filled Clint in on how they felt. The recent mission either really wore y/n down or they had caught something ( which is why Tony texted Barton and Romanoff to let them know seeing as it had been with the two ).

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this short break is brought to you by Thor attempting to teach Steve how to breakdance
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Y/n had grown up in the fractured Barton home up until Clint ran away with their older brother. Y/n got thrown into the foster system, but was recruited by SHIELD at sixteen. Two years later y/n was reunited with Clint who introduced them to Natasha, Coulson, and even later Fury and Hill. Y/n had accidentally joined the Avengers initiative when Loki made the fight personal by taking over Clint's mind and controlling him into doing things that would haunt him for awhile.

However Tony and Y/n's relationship had begun even before the events of New York when Fury decided to have y/n infiltrate Stark Industries as Tony appeared to be growing reckless, powerful, and sick ( and the two fell in love between all the life threatening events, parties, and betrayal ).

Now there y/n was, eyes fluttering closed to the gentle sound of Micheal insulting yet another person, and Tony's heartbeat paired with the hum from his arc reactor. It was literally peace on Earth as the smell of honey tea surrounded their nose like a warm hug and as an exhausted y/n yawned the bed seemed to rock beneath them as unconsciousness fell over the two.

Before of course, a giant sneeze from y/n shocked the two into minor heart attacks and consciousness.

requested by  shaded_echoes
( total word count : 766 words )
i'm very sorry if this sucks...
almost 12:00 a.m.
i live and i was
so i decided to
onto my phone and
this, but either
i hope you enjoyed

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