bucky barnes

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imagine you've been fighting the soldier and during the fight his mask broke so he pulls it off

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imagine you've been fighting the soldier and during the fight his mask broke so he pulls it off...

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Being Steve Rogers' younger sibling had its perks, being an elite fighter and super soldier was one. But after spending years frozen, you both had lost everything you left behind in the forties. It also came with the disadvantage of not knowing all the details of today's world. But you wish desperately that you had known more about the Winter Soldier.

You twirl in midair to kick the Soldier's chin and he is sent back although managing to stay on his feet. You drop into a stance looking as the mask that covered his eyes falls, and his eyes look scarily familiar. His gaze washes over as you stare waiting to see if he would move first. He does.

He swings a left hook at your face and you barely dodge the metal fist. Only you didn't see his right flying to catch your abdomen. You wheeze as air attempts to refill your burning lungs. You can feel bruises forming as he grips one of your wrists tight to flip you. As your back hits the ground you switch your trapped grip and flip him over you afterwards before scrambling back into a fighting stance.

You advance throwing a flurry of punches and kicks at the soldier until the muzzle cracks down the middle. Another powerful kick sends him skidding on his heels a few yards away. He turns from you and rips the muzzle away before twisting back around slowly.

"No..." your body forces you to take a few steps away and you practically collapse onto your knees as you look him over, "Bucky?"

Tears fill your eyes as Steve lunges past you as the Soldier advances. Memories cloud your judgement as you wonder, he's alive?

You can remember long nights spent in the field by your families' apartments playing with a ball or looking at the stars. You remember dinners that never started out right, but always ended with laughter and treasures. You can see him falling, the only person you ever truly loved that much and for that long, out of your grasp. You can almost feel Steve's arms around you as you screamed and sobbed and cried, trying so desperately to jump after James. You knew he was alive, you knew it...

It's evident that he doesn't remember you. That the thin band around your finger, sparks no recognition, that it was given to you by him. His mom's ring, he swore that once the war was finished you'd both settle down and get married. Now he doesn't even know what your name is.

The world feels numb and the air around you scorched your airways viciously. A weight fills your shoulders and the gunshot wound that goes through your shoulder is leaking crimson by the second, but you won't feel it. Can't feel it over the pain that swallows you whole. A knife shattering your heart into unrecoverable pieces.

Life felt easier knowing you'd already lost everything else...

( total word count : 516 words )

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