Chapter 36

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September 10 8:00

Once back in the room, everyone sat back onto their bean bag and just talked. Before Heather had a lightbulb moment.

"Guys! We should play Truth or Dare!" She exclaimed, at the pureblood's blank looks "First we need a bottle, an empty bottle." She passed a full butterbeer bottle to Hailey who returned it, empty, five seconds later "And we place it into the middle" She did so "And whoever it lands on when we spin it we ask Truth or Dare." She spun and it landed on Lily "Truth or Dare Lils?"

"Now that Heather has asked me Truth or Dare, I will respond with either Truth or Dare." Lily explained "Truth, Heather." Hailey passed Heather a vial of liquid she had in her pocket

"Now in the Wizarding World when someone picks Truth they have two drops of Verataserum placed on their tounge, enough for just the one question, to ensure maximum truthfulness. So open up Lils." Lily opened her mouth and Heather placed two drops of the clear, tasteless liquid on her friend (And mother)'s tounge and waited for it to take effect "Remember if someone's eyes are glassy of fogged-over they are either under the Imperius Curse, one of the three Unforgivable Curses, or under the effects of Verataserum. Once the Verataserum takes effect, you can ask them one question!" She looked at Lily "For example, What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever done?"

"I puked and peed at the same time while on a roller coaster." Lily answered immediately before snapping out of the effects and blushing at the question "Heather!"

"What! We needed a good starter question!" She defended before turning back to the purebloods "For a dare, you dare someone to do something, there is a charm that means if you don't do the dare you hurt somewhere on your body for 48 hours after the game finishes." Hailey did the charm "Everyone understand?" Everyone nodded "Good, Lily spin the bottle."

Lily spun and it landed on Sirius "Truth or Dare Siri?"


"I dare you to go up to the person you find most attractive in this room and kiss them."

Sirius looked around, located his target, went up to her and kissed her.

Heather's mind was in overdrive. Did this mean her crush liked her back? Not even her siblings knew she liked Sirius. Before she could ponder the question he had pulled away and sat back in his seat.

Sirius spun; it landed on the girl he just kissed "Heather, Truth or Dare?"

"Truth." She opened her mouth for the Verataserum

"Do you have a crush on me?" He asked, seeing his crush freeze under his kiss like that was confusing.

"Yes." She replied and spun the bottle before she could be questioned further, Hailey, Harry and Neville looked at her, hurt she thought she couldn't tell them. It landed on Severus. "Truth or Dare Sev?"

"Truth." He took the Verataserum

"...What is your sexuality?" She asked, just to get the spotlight off of her.

"Gay." He answered, his eyes darting around the room.

"Cool! Same!" Harry exclaimed

Hailey put her hand in the air "Straight as a rainbow!" She said

"Bisexual." Neville continued

"Pansexual." Remus said

"I-I don't know what I am... I just know I'm attracted to girls." Marlene whispered but it was heard in the suddenly deafly silent room.

"That's fine Mar. I went to my families muggle house and used the computer there to find out. But you don't have to label yourself or your sexuality. I just did because I like feeling I have a place and that I can go up to someone and when/if they ask my sexuality I can say 'I am Omnisexual' and if they ask what it is I can go 'I don't give a fuck whether someone is hot or ugly, male or female or doesn't identify with a gender. All I care about is the inside; whether someone is smart or funny.' We don't mind that you don't know what sexuality you are, there are so many now that you can make up a word, add sexual to the end and no-one would question it." Hailey explained

"Thanks Hails, I needed that..." Marlene said

"Now should we get back to the game or play something else?" Hailey asked

The group ended playing Truth or Dare until everyone had had at least one turn before moving onto other games. They only ventured out of the room for meals and bed at the end of the day. Although by the time curfew rolled around they had decided they would bump shoulders with Sev so that he knew when they would spend the day (During the week for Saturday, Bumped Saturday for on Sunday) in their new hangout spot. The Room of Requirement. 

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