Chapter 13

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November 1 11:00

The atmosphere was tense in the Great Hall, she may have been a bit of a know-it-all with no friends but she was still a student, a student that lost their life while they were supposed to be safe at school. Aurors and Unspeakables flooded Hogwarts, investigating while setting up extra security around the historic school.

"Remember Hermione. Remember, if the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember what happened to a girl who was smart, and kind, and brave, because she strayed across the path of a troll, don't underestimate your opponent, ever. Remember what happened to Hermione Granger, a girl who no doubt had every flaw of the beast memorised, yet she still died, remember Hermione Granger." Dumbledore said and looked around the students again before sitting down and, with a weary hand, started the feast held in the memory of Hermione Granger. 

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