9| Daggers

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The newlyweds wing
The next morning

The sun had cast its first ray of dawn through the window, its light kissed the sleeping princess, and she moved. She had remained sleeping in the same position all night, and when she felt that first warmth of light on her face, she slightly opened her eyes, and rolled to be on her back.

As she did, a dagger was suddenly pushed against her throat. Her eyes shot wide open, and she could not conjure her voice to scream. She focused her eyes, and the dagger was held by no one. It was midair and pressed firmly against her throat, posing a tremendous danger if she did the slightest of moves.

She calmed her nerves, and lifted her hand ever so slightly, and the dagger did not move. She slowly but steadily raised her hand, until she reached across the bed to where Loki was sleeping. She gently but silently shook him to wake him up, but he did not move or wake up. She shook him a little more forcibly, and with that, one more dagger appeared out of thin greenish air, directed at her heart.

She remained completely still, careful not to make a single movement. She gulped ever so slightly, and called unto him in a low voice, "your highness," but he did not respond, so she raised her voice a little more, "your highness."

Loki did not wake up, but the dagger at her throat pressed harder against her throat until it pierced her skin, and she hissed in pain, as she felt warm drops of blood, falling from her neck to the pillow. She was in great pain, as the dagger pinned her motionless against the bed.

She was at her wit's end, but she never liked being helpless or defenseless, so even if it was not the wisest course of action, she did what she did anyway. She lifted her hand one more time, as she steeled her nerves, and shook him even more violently as she yelled, "wake up!" The dagger pressed even harder and nicked her skin deeper. She groaned out in pain.

Loki shot to a sitting position immediately, two more daggers appeared, one in each of his hands. He was glassy-eyed, very pale, sweat glistening on his forehead, and his breathing quick and uneven. He looked in distress and extreme agony. He scanned his surroundings, and as his eyes landed on the princess lying next to him with the two daggers pointed at her, his eyes widened with panic, and his body stiffened.

The four daggers immediately evaporated with a flash of green, and the princess gasped for air, her hands instinctively going to her throat. Loki's eyes widened even more when her fingers were tainted with crimson red blood.

His breathing quickened, and he lunged himself at her. He scanned her body quickly for any more injuries, and tried to remove her hands to take a better look at her neck wound. She gently clasped his hand, and removed it from her neck.

"I .. I .. just want to take a look at the wound," he said in-between rapid breaths.

"It's shallow. It just grazed me," she managed to say, before sitting herself up, blood seeping between her fingers.

"It does not look shallow, just, please? Let me have a look," he said gently, as he moved his hand to her neck once again.

She tried to remove his hands one more time, but his hands would not budge. "I would not harm you, I just want to examine your wound," he said softly.

She did not remove her hands, she sighed, "it is fine, I assure you. I just need to go wash it, it is quite alright, your highness," she said with a faint blank smile.

"Let me see the wound, NOW!" He yelled at her. She did not flinch or look scared, she just looked annoyed. She reluctantly removed her hands, and he examined her wound carefully with a gentle touch. He cursed a few Asgardian curses under his breath, as he rushed to get a wet cloth to clean the wound. As he entered the washroom, she was right behind him.

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