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Seonwoo took off his glasses before yawning.

“Ah,” he sighs, “I want to sleep.”

He stared at the document he was currently editing. There were at least fifty more pages left.

“I swear, I'm not complimenting you tomorrow,” Seonwoo says thinking about his boss.

Mr. Park is one of the greatest employer out there. If he fully trusted his men, he'd show them he trully cares. Be it with the form of free houses, monthly house allowance and a generous amount of raise in salary.

Seonwoo could talk back, ask for something and even give ideas without getting fired out. Mr. Park treats him like a friend, instead of a secretary. Mr. Park would also sometimes ask for advices.

Although Mr. Park seems like a terrifying boss, when he hears a compliment about his looks, he'd be smiling all day. In fact, complementing Mr. Park is the first on Seonwoo's priority list every morning.

Seonwoo looked behind him when he heard someone knocked on the door.

“Come in,” he said.

The door opened, revealing Riki holding a tray with a glass and a mug on it.

Riki have been staying silent since early in the morning. Seonwoo knew something was bothering the younger again, so he just let him be. Now, Riki entering his bedroom is a sight to see.

“Coffee?” Riki asked.

“Can I have the milkshake instead?” Seonwoo jokingly asked.

“No,” Riki quickly answered.

Seonwoo let a small laugh as he took the cup of coffee on the tray.

“How come you're right on time, I needed a coffee break,” Seonwoo says before blowing his coffee.

Riki shrugged, “Heard you yawning, you must be tired.”

“How did you even hear me yawning?” Seonwoo asked, eyes wide.

Riki placed the tray on a space left on Seonwoo's table before he took a sit on the edge of Seonwoo's bed, holding his glass of milkshake.

“I have over-sensitive hearing,” Riki says. “I can pick up noises however silent it was.”

Seonwoo blinked, “Do you mean...”

“Mhm,” Riki nodded, “Just heard you cursing at Jay-hyung.”

Seonwoo avoided eye contact. Riki's back at being his usual teasing mode again.

“And I know you've got a crush on him, too.”

“I don't!” Seonwoo quickly denies.

That was before. Seonwoo started developing a small crush for the chairman after witnessing his sincerity and kindness, but Mr. Park is engaged with a person and Seonwoo knows he's not supposed to catch feelings. He started getting rid of his petty crush when Riki becomes his roommate.

Now, he knew that he only sees Mr. Park as one respectable human being. Sometimes, Mr. Park is being not considerate as well for giving Seonwoo a huge amount of paper works.

“Mhm,” Riki hums, taking a sip on his milkshake.

Riki then stood up and proceeded to open the door, but not leaving before saying his latest discovery in over-hearing Seonwoo's silent whispers.

“Cause now you think you like me.”

Riki finally closed the door, leaving Seonwoo with a fiery blush on his cheeks.


A/N: Friday night update.


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