"We have urgent matters with our scientists."

"Alright, let's hurry." I paced alongside with her towards the elevators. We then transitioned towards my magic lab. It wasn't exactly magical, but it's 'where the magic happens'.

"Y/n, we caught these three tampering with your product, both of them." There, on the ground before me, were the two troublemakers who said their loyalty shouldn't be questioned. Then, there was a female. She looked too pretty. Too pretty and bright to be from Zaun.

"I see." I bent down to them. I stared into the leader's eyes as he glared at me aggressively. "You said your loyalty shouldn't be questioned, right? Well, lucky for me I'm questioning it." I stood and pulled my gun out. I cocked it and shot his male companion right through the brain.

The woman broke free from her gag and she began to yell. "STOP! Under the law of Piltover-"

"Oh!" I interrupted her. "I knew it seemed too good to be true. You seem like an undercover Enforcer. Am I wrong?"

"You're going down. We-"

"You and what army? Do you think you'll win?" I bent down to her level. "Did you think you'd make it out alive?" I hummed with a head tilt.

"You wouldn't dare harm me. If you do, more enforcers will come down and look for me. They'll find me."

"Oh, will they now?" I booped her nose. "I would absolutely dare harm you. Yet alone, kill. I did that to your friend over there. How much did you pay him? Do you know who you're facing? I'll make you regret coming down in the Under City."

"You're the one who's-" I shoved my gun in her thigh and fired. She yelled in pain.

"I don't need my whole life story re-told. It bores me. I want the future to be told. If you really knew who I was, you'd keep your mouth shut." I laughed. And right on cue my few soldiers came to my side. "Lock them both up in solitude. Leave the dead body in the special room." I ordered.

"Right away." They took all three people away.

"Captain, I need you to investigate which shipments have been contaminated. Report back to me so I can make arrangements to have them sent back before use of the consumer. It seems as of we now have a delay." I ran a hand through my hair. "Make sure this area is spotless. Make sure the purple chemical is stable. And make sure the remaining of the healing liquid is not dangerous."

"Right away." He nodded.

I sat back in my chair. A sudden rage ran through me. "COMPLETE IDIOTS." I slammed my fists on the desk. It left a slight dent on the desk, and the sides of my hands in a burning sensation. I felt the building shake a little. I pulled out a cigar. "Keep your shit together." I took a deep breath in, and exhaled. I pulled out a lighter from my top drawer. I lit up the cigar and breathed in all the harsh smoke I could, and huffed it out a few seconds later.

"It will be all over soon. I just have to replace what was damaged." I sighed. "Then loose money because of it. I knew I should've killed those two the moment they stepped in my office."

There was a knock on my door. "Come in." I said with a raspy voice.

"Ma'am." Sevika greeted as she entered and closed the door.

"Ahh, how's your arm holding up?" I asked as I examined her robotic arm. It looked like she upgraded it a bit more. She was always a free thinker, a great inventor she'd be. More like, she IS a great inventor. She's always improving what she's given.

"It's a great improvement. Thank you for assisting me with this." She nodded. "I do have matters to discuss with you."

"Of course, as I do to you. Please have a seat." She sat in the chair in front of my desk. "Now, why don't you start?"

A Divided Nation:: A Divided MindOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz