[2] Now Or Never

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Y/n's Pov.

I read every word letter by letter. I didn't think he'd respond. Yet, respond so quickly. Two days is by far the fastest reply time.

'My Dearest,

A reunion might be what we need. I'll even bring Vander along as well, to make it more proper. I've been hearing so much about you lately and I have been dying to see you once more. I'm sure you've been hearing about me as well. I'd like to think great minds think alike. You've changed, from what I've heard. The past doesn't define you, but your present actions do. I look forward to meeting you. Meet me at the location in the small card I wrote. Should be in the envelope.

Until then, Sil.'

I finished reading the letter out loud. This man wants to get his ass beat. "He was always the smart one out of our small group." I spoke up. I shook my head. Everyone who was in my office stood there in shock. "What?" I asked.

"I believe there is some things you left out." Gen began. "Like.... You knew him before all of this?"

"Yeah. We obviously grew apart for reasons." I cleared my throat. "We didn't put our differences aside and now look where we are. I won't get too into that, though. What matters now is here in the present. His reign has been hurting more than healing. We don't deserve to be under him."

"You are making a difference, and we'll follow you till death."

"Good. That's what's needed." I stood. "You all are leaders. Our conversation must not be spread. I'll have all your heads sliced off and mounted on my wall. I want to congratulate you all on our progress. We have come this far. Don't disobey me. I will return soon. I expect all of you to continue to keep everything in order. We will be victorious soon. If you see any suspicious behavior, don't hesitate to report it. What we are doing is good, yet dangerous." I shoo'ed everyone out except Gen. "I leave you in charge, my second in command." And with that I had my two escorts walk with me to the Last drop.

I was going to be early, might as well walk with Vander. And visit the children of course. I had the perfect gift: money. They have bright imaginations. They could simply purchase their desires. Yeah. I hope they're doing okay. There's been explosions and enforcers down here more often. That's really traumatizing to see as a young kid.  When we arrived to the bar, there was a small crowd huddled near the entrance. I pushed my way through to see what was the problem. The bar was empty, and not a single sound was heard. That in no way was good. "Vander?!" I called out.

"He's.... gone." Said someone behind me.

"Bullshit! He wouldn't disappear! Yet alone die!" I forced my way through and entered the bar. I don't know what rushed over me. Then something hit me. "Oh my GOD, WHERE ARE THE CHILDREN?!" It could've been a female instinct but I rushed down to the room. I turned the lights on. There was a mess. My card was left on the floor.  Even worse, they weren't there. I know powder wouldn't just leave that there. It was our secret. "Holy shit-" I held my head. I was boiling with anger.

I walked back out the bar. "I'm going to find out who did this. I will find them, I will find Vander. And I will kill whoever is held responsible." I clenched my fists with anger and punched the outside wall.

"Oh yeah? And what is someone like you going to do? You're so fragile-" I death glared that man. He didn't shut up though. "You're so fragile that-" I grabbed the man by his neck, lifted him up and slammed him on the ground.

I looked down on him. "I'm so fragile, what? I would've killed you if you finished that sentence. It seems you all don't know who I am." I scoffed.

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