"...But I'm not a Koopa." A Bowser & Cullen Story.

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It was a fine morning in the Mushroom Kingdom.
Cullen woke up to the Mario Brothers' house being empty, besides himself being there. A sticky note was stuck on the counter in the bathroom. It was from Mario.
It said that he and Luigi had to go to Peach's Castle and help her with something.

'Probably plumbing stuff.'
Cullen presumed, sighing.

He walked through the living room to the kitchen and had a small breakfast, before going back to the bathroom to brush his teeth.

The boy then walked back out to the living room, planning to just chill until Mario and Luigi got home.
However, he noticed something strange.
The door to go outside was wide open...

"What the heck...?"
He muttered to himself, perplexed.

The child walked over to the door and shut it, rolling his eyes.

"Dumb door...
Must've been the wind."
Because indeed, it was very gusty out from what he could see, with all of the trees rustling steadily.

Unbeknownst to him though, a certain familiar turtle monster loomed behind the boy.

Cullen turned around and looked up, gasping.


The king had a toothy grin and gave his iconic laugh.

Surprise!!! Did you miss me Cookie?"

The youngest blushed embarrassedly at the nickname.

"M-my name's not Cookie and you know it! But yeah, I'm very surprised!
Wh-what are you doing here Bowser?!"

The large koopa smirked, giving a casual shrug.
"Oh, I was just in the neighborhood and I decided I'd drop by and see my boy while those stupid plumbers aren't around~!"

Cullen's eyes widened.
"H-how did you know that they weren't-"

Bowser cut him off, finishing the question for him.

Well that's easy!
/I/ was the one who sabotaged the plumbing at Peach's Castle so that they would be too busy working over there to know about anybody breaking in here!
All part of the plan to get you!
Lucky me, you still look like you just woke up so this will be easier.~"

Cullen squeaked frightfully, stepping back as Bowser mimicked his stepping motion, claws raised up in the air.
Embarrassingly enough though, yes, the youngest was still in pajamas.
Not exactly fit for fighting or anything besides relaxing in.

The human's back pressed up against the door. There wasn't enough time to open it and make a break for it, so his eyes darted around for anything he could keep Bowser at bay with.


A frying pan!

"S-stand back Bowser! I don't wanna hurt you!"

The Koopa King laughed.
"Oh please! What's a little frying pan gonna d-"
Before he could finish that question, Cullen jumped up and bonked it down on the tyrant's head, causing him to blink incredulously and groan, rubbing his head in pain.

The human took this as his opportunity and ran past Bowser.

"Grr... HEY! That's it kiddo!!! Get back here!"

"Aaah! N-no! Leave me alone!"

Cullen ran into his room, slamming the door shut and practically crying when he realized it didn't have a lock on it. Not like it would help much against a giant fire breathing turtle but still!
He looked for somewhere to hide before Bowser could burst into the room, and so he hid in the closet quietly, burying himself under clothes.

Not a moment to soon either as the ruler stomped into the room, growling.


He blinked though, realizing what this game of his had become.
Hide & seek.

"Where are you Cookie?~
Come on out!~"

No response from the boy though of course.

Bowser took amusement in looking.
"I'm gonna find you eventually y'know!~"

Cullen /hated/ that tease in the monster's voice. Bowser always did that when he knew he was up to no good or embarrassing the boy!

The brunet sat in the pile, unintentionally quivering from fright as Bowser moved from checking under the bed, to opening the closet.
He noticed the clothes ever so slightly jittering and chuckled deeply.
Claws reached in and-


L-let me go, please!"
Cullen cried, tears trickling down his face finally.

Bowser felt a bit bad and held Cullen gentler in one arm, almost cradling him.
The boy weakly tried to push away and beat on Bowser's shelled chest, his smaller fists bouncing off the natural armor as he tuckered himself out.
Bowser just rubbed his head calmly, walking out of the house now.

"Hey, calm down Cookie... It's okay, really. I'm not gonna hurt ya!"

Cullen just hiccuped and nodded.
"I-I know that, but I don't wanna go to your castle!"

"Well you don't have a choice! I'm older, smarter, and I know what's best for you!
Look, you like having Junior as a brother, don't ya?"

Cullen looked away, sniffling and wiping his nose with his arm.
He mumbled admittedly.

"Then that's gotta be your home!"
Bowser reasoned.
"It's where your family is!"

"...hmph..." The youngest just humphed, not really wanting to listen as he got over his crying now.

"...You know, someday Junior and you are going to be Kings."
The koopa continued.

Cullen looked at him now.

Because you're my kid, that makes it justifiable for you to be an heir of the Koopa Kingdom!"

...But I'm not a Koopa."
The littlest sadly pointed out.

Bowser snorted, giving a chuckle.
Hasn't stopped us from nabbing you and your mom before!
We don't /care/ that you're not Koopa, kiddo. We love you for who you actually are as a person! You're a Koopa at heart. Does that make sense?"

They had gotten to the Clown Car now outside, Bowser gently setting Cullen in, before climbing in himself.

The boy frowned, looking down in thought, before back up at Bowser.

"I guess so..."
He murmured.

Bowser warmly smiled.

He bent down and planted a kiss on the child's forehead.

"Don't think we don't love you Cullen.
Not even for a moment. And hey, if anyone's giving you trouble, lemme know and I'll pound them into the ground like I'm gonna do to Mario! Bwahaha!"

The boy had cheered up now as a giggle slipped out and he shook his head.
"Yeah right!
He's gonna win this time too!"

The king had the aircraft ascend now, and ruffled Cullen's hair.

We'll see kid.
We'll see..."

//The end!
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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2022 ⏰

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