First Day (ch. 1)

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TW's: gender dysphoria (slightly)

3rd Person

Today is Monday September 9th, also known as the first day of junior year. George was woken up by his mom yelling upstairs to make sure him and his brothers were awake. He groggily yelled back a quiet 'yup', indicating that he was awake. This was his first day at a brand new school, meaning he could start fresh and no one would have to know anything about him. This was heavily appealing to George.

George finally decided, after about ten minutes, to get out of bed and get ready for school. He walked into the bathroom, soon regretting his decision of looking in the mirror. Somehow, after months of looking in the mirror and regretting it he still wasn't used to it and still forgets most days. Every morning he does his best to avoid it as much as possible, but somehow fails to succeed almost every time. 

It wasn't the best start to his morning, but it definitely could be worse. 

He went back into his room and grabbed a pair of black sweatpants, a pretty large blue hoodie, his binder, and a pair of white ankle high socks. After walking back into the bathroom and changing into the outfit he had decided on, he brushed his hair and messed with it slightly before examining his outfit to make sure it looked decent enough. Everything mattered today, this would be most people's first impression of him.

After about twenty minutes of getting ready for the day, he grabbed his phone from his night stand where he had left it charging the night before and walked downstairs into the kitchen. He sat at the counter next to his twin brothers and started eating the food his mom had prepared for breakfast. While he ate, he scrolled through his social medias and the notifications that had piled up on his lock screen over the course of the night.

"You look good today," George's brother, Jackson said out of nowhere. George looked at him, bewildered, mostly because it wasn't often that Jackson was kind. He wasn't upset that he was being nice, just extremely confused.

"Uh, thanks?" George replied, still dumbfounded. Maybe he noticed how nervous I am? Is it that obvious? I hope not. He looked down at his leg and noticed it bouncing an excessive amount, much more than he had been aware of. That explains it I guess.

After George had finished eating his breakfast he grabbed his backpack and slipped on his shoes, tightening and then tying them. His brothers walked out the door, leaving it cracked open a few inches for him.

"Hurry up we're about to leave!" Jason yelled to George from outside of the house.

George yelled back, "I'm coming!" Then walked out the front door with his backpack and shoes on, walking straight to the car and sitting in the backseat. He buckled his seatbelt and mentally prepared himself for the bickering of his brothers to begin. 

He didn't have to wait long for it to start, they were arguing about something random and not worthwhile to listen to in the slightest. This continued the whole car ride, for most people it would probably be unbearable but George was used to it at this point. The bickering still hadn't ceased, even after they were at school and getting out of the car. 

Finally, after what felt like forever, he was at school and away from his brothers. 

The school was large but that was to be expected since it was an American high school in one of Florida's biggest cities, Orlando. All he could think about was the fact that he would have to find all six of his classes throughout the entire building without getting lost once. 

He decided he spent enough time looking at the outside of the building and went in the large double doors at the front of the school. Upon walking in, he noticed many teenagers on their phones or talking with people who were presumably their friends. There were more kids than he had anticipated to be there, although it wasn't too shocking seeing as it was the entrance of the school. 

The mix of lots of judgmental teenagers surrounding you and being extremely insecure about the way you look definitely does not go well together. Making George's anxiety skyrocket. 

He became overwhelmed with the busy atmosphere and opted for sitting down on a nearby bench against a wall. He grabbed out his crinkled schedule that had been sitting at the bottom of his backpack for weeks, showing his classes and what room number they're in. The schedule was slightly confusing but he ended up figuring out which classes he had when and which floor they were on. It was at least a start on figuring out where they were. 

Much to George's dismay, there wasn't way to know exactly where is classes were without aimlessly roaming the hallways as he searched through the large building.

George must have been sitting on the bench for a while because seconds later he heard the bell ring for them to start walking to their first class of the day. Luckily they had quite a bit of time to get to their classes and it was the first day so he was hoping the teachers would be somewhat lenient about being on time. 

After searching for the room number of his first class for what felt like forever, he finally found it. The classroom was a pretty average size, fitting 20-30 students in singular desks. 

George sat down at the back of the class in an empty desk, dropping his backpack to the floor next to him. It was pretty quiet in the room, the only noises were students whispering to their friends and the clicking of the teacher's keyboard. He looked around the room and paused when he saw 2 boys sitting 2 rows in front of him, whispering to each other. They would occasionally glance back at George and then turn back around toward the front of the room and continue their whispering. This went on for a few minutes making George feel slightly more insecure than he had previously.

For most people, this wouldn't bother them too much and they would go about their day not worrying about it but for George, that was not the case. George was already very insecure about his body for obvious reasons and has had some experiences in the past that were definitely not his favorite. Those stories include similar experiences, like whispering to one another and staring at him. 

Who knows maybe they're complimenting him but right now all he can think of is all the negative things that they could possibly be saying to each other. Maybe his face is too feminine, maybe he looks really tired, maybe he looks like he didn't even try getting dressed this morning, or maybe... his hair is too long and he needs a haircut. George just doesn't know.

As the class begins, the whispering and talking dies down, most people would rather not be in trouble with the teacher on the first day of school. This helps with the constant dysphoria that he feels, along with the lack of mirrors around the school. It's still there, just not as prominent. 


word count: 1168
edited: 1218

WOOOOOO first chapter done!!! I am turning this chapter in as a short story and changing some things as well as adding an ending for a school project so we'll see how that goes. Anyway I'm very excited to post this I think it will be posted tomorrow (January 17th) because I have to edit and read over it. I'm putting the date and time I finish writing the chapter below the authors note as well.

Future me: I was going back to check something so I just fixed some mistakes and made it sound a bit better. No information was changed or anything. :)

Finished: 1/16/22 8:50 pm
Posted: 1/21/22
Edited: 11/2/23 6:12 pm

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