Ch 1: How Han Jisung finally got some social interaction

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Chapter 1: How Han Jisung finally got some social interaction

Now who would've thought that THE Jisung's actual social interaction in a long time would be because of his classmates-turned-zombies chasing him through his university's playground. But well you should always expect the unexpected, right?

So, here's the flashback to what happened before this chaos ensued...

(. . .)

14th March 2021 started off as ordinarily as any other day would for a normal university student. Everything was going pretty peacefully until there was an announcement, 'All students are requested to stay in their classrooms and not to get out AT ANY COSTS'

But the students being a pain in ass they are decided to got for some "exploration". The sensible ones stayed back in their classes until one of their classmates came in, his leg bleeding profusely, the crimson red staining his fair, porcelain skin. It dripped down agonizingly slow, and all at once a fountain of red came from the wound, the ebb and flow in time with a terrified heart, killing the boy all the faster as he groaned and cried in pain.
The other students gaped, wide eyed at their classmate, not being able to believe what they saw, chills ran down their spines.
Hell broke lose, with people rushing out of their classrooms trying to not get infected.

Now you must be wondering, where the hell was Jisung all this time? Well, he was in the washroom. Yes. 
Our boy was just trying to complete his assignments last minute, don't judge him bro.

Yeah so now to Jisung, he was in the washroom, too focused and didn't hear the announcement, hurriedly put his notes in his bag and got out. He suddenly hears panting from the stall next to his, the gate was open, and well horror movies definitely taught nothing to Jisung so he went to check up on whosoever was in the next stall.

Just as he opened the gate a little more, someone came rushing towards him at full speed, attempting to bite his head off.


Jisung feeling the adrenaline rush into him, ran into one of the stalls and takes the cover off the toilet tank and swung it as hard as he could to the infected's head, don't question the choice of weapon, there was nothing else around.

But that little shit of a zombie didn't faint from this and stood back up and charged at him again so he continuously swung the toilet tank cover at its head until it fainted. Pretty violent I know, but the boy had to save his life.

"What the hell just happened", Jisung said, heart still beating crazily due to the sudden encounter with a zombie. He walks out the washroom, trying not the make a lot of noise, yes with the toilet tank cover still in hand.

When he comes out, he sees something he never expected to see, not in real life at least. People, or should I say, people-turned-zombies, roamed around the entire building, stumbling over each other occasionally or infecting the only other survivors left. 

Jisung was terrified to say the least.


Okay yes so these zombies obviously sensed an unfamiliar presence among them and that's when Jisung knew it was time to run for his life. Those weird beings with sticky greenish skin charged towards their new target and he ran to the closest exit he found, which so happened to be a window. He jumped out into the playground and shut the window close from outside and caught his breath.

They won't be able to reach him here....right?


He was met face to face with another huge group of zombies, who were still unknown to the new presence among them.

"I can do this, I am Han Jisung and I have the power of god and anime by my side'', he thought.

So he picked up his toilet tank cover and got ready to charge at the new hurdle BUT he was suddenly pulled into a corner by the hood of his hoodie and poor boy squirmed to get the person let go of him, and the person stopped all of a sudden.

"Stop moving so much dipshit, or you'll be their next meal"

(. . .)


this might be the largest chapter i've ever written

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