No matter what it is still Navya for him.. you are just someone to whom he was forced to tie a knot.. then why was his eyes trying to express so much to you in the past few days.. nothing!! Nothing they were trying to express.. I was being an idiot.. I let myself fall for a man who would not love me.. who decides to reject me all the time..

She wipes her eyes, you now know he isn't going to ever accept you whole heartedly.. so stop investing yourself so much into him Aadhira.. you are on your own again.. back to square one.. right where we started.. Woww.. and you were thinking about love Aadhira!!.. you are a fool.. forget about all this.. your stupid emotions for him and focus on the thing you were supposed to have in the first place..

She wipes off her tears and goes into the bathroom, she splashes water on her face and goes back to bed. She lies down on the but sleep was nowhere near her eyes as her thoughts keep going back to Karthik's words because of which her eyes again start to pool up.

Karthik on the other hand, was sitting in his room burying his head in his hands, his heart was still burning with fury and jealousy. There was also an insecure feeling in him, what if Arun tries to impress her and what if she had a liking towards him in the past and wanted to get together with him.

He wipes off his eyes which had welled up seeing Aadhira's eyes glistening, Why am I so insecure.. she is with me only now.. she is MY wife.. then why this jealousy.. I can't loose her again.. Oh wow!! You don't want to loose her again yet you spoke that way.. just wow (his brain mocks at him).. you told you don't need her.. when you know the truth.. you need her more than anything or anyone..

She is the only means of peace that you get.. she is only one who makes you happy.. her talks are enough to make you smile.. her smile makes your day.. inspite all this you said you don't need her.. you have clearly lost it completely.. you made her cry again.. well done Karthik.. well done!!!

You keep saying you won't hurt her.. but what do you do in the end.. hurt her.. badly!!.. she started trusting you, believing you and feeling for you.. after this you messed up everything once again.. she is never going to even look at you again.. congratulations on fucking everything up!!.. and suffer because you deserve it for making her go through this..

His eyes too keep pouring fresh tears as he remembers her glistening eyes "I literally ruined everything with my own hands.. words.. and feelings.. all because of my insecurity". He goes out of his room to Aadhira's room, he was about to knock on her door but then something stops him and goes back to his room. He changes and lies down but sleep was nowhere near his eyes, he goes and stands near his patio door looking at the moon, how am I going to even face her..

The next morning,

Karthik was doing his yoga routine as usual, he was waiting that Aadhira would come out but he sees Olivia going on a walk alone. He goes near the gate and calls her "Olivia you are not waiting for Aadhira?", She looks at him "She called me and said that she won't be coming today.. also told me to go ahead without her.. is she fine?", he nods and she leaves for her walk.

He goes inside the house and sees that her room door is still closed and locked from the inside. He makes coffee for her as he used to make and leaves it in the kitchen as usual, after which he goes back inside his room hoping that atleast she will have the coffee. When he comes out after getting ready he sees her room door open and goes into the kitchen to check if she is there.

He sees only Jenny who was making toast and her coffee mug remained untouched. He goes to Jenny "Jenny where is Aadhira", Jenny looks at him "She left.. she said she had to go to work early.. she told me to make toast for you.. is this your coffee Karthik..". Karthik looks at the coffee "No Jenny.. no need for breakfast.. I will have at the hospital".

Jenny looks at Karthik "Is everything alright?", Karthik looks down "No.. I said some things which I shouldn't have said.. now I don't know how to apologise to her". She smiles a little and pats his back "Karthik talk to her.. find a way to talk.. being just embarassed about it won't do any good". He just gives a small smile and nods.

He too leaves from home and goes to the hospital. By evening, he keeps waiting for Aadhira's call, that she will call him to come pick her up but time passes and he doesn't get any call from her. He goes to the hotel, he checks with the receptionist if Aadhira is there or not, he comes to know that she has already left, so, he too goes home.

He sees her making dinner, he goes near her, she keeps moving away to avoid him. He tries to talk to her but she avoids him completely. He goes to change and comes back, Aadhira had just the completed making dinner, she was about to go inside her room when he stops her "Aadhira please can we talk..".

She looks at him once and then looks away "I have work.. I need to go.. anyway you don't need me for anything.. so why to talk". She goes back inside her room and shuts the door. Karthik keeps looking at her locked door not knowing what to do. The same happens the next day too and Karthik couldn't do anything.

Aadhira gets ready to go to the wedding just because she had promised him before. He was surprised but happy that she was finally going with him, he wanted to talk to her but he couldn't, he was still embarassed for his words and still couldn't face her.

Flashback ends..


Dear Readers,

70% of the book is completed..

Thank you so much for all the love on Karthik and Aadhira❤️

Will Aadhira forgive Karthik..

Will she come to know about Karthik's love for her in the past..

What do you think..

Well I had one more question to ask..

Your love for Abhi has always overwhelmed me.. so many requests to write a story on him💖

Also the love for Ajay and Geet has also been overwhelming❤️

So you guys choose which will be the next one..

Our bond.. Unnamed & Unknown (#SaBhi - Abhi and Sahana)


Written in our stars (#Ajeet 2.0 - Ajay and Geet)

Do let me know which one you want next❤️

Yours lovingly

Tied by Destiny (Completed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ