"What? No way." He exasperated.

"Why not? It's obvious there's something there between you too." She stated nonchalantly.

"I don't know why, I just... no."

"Are ya scared?" She teased poking his chest and he swatted her hand with a blush.

"As if."

"If you love someone, you should tell them." She said as they started walking again. He looked at her, then thought about his best friend as he sighed.

"Yeah, you should."


Mikey took Emma out for her birthday to a lovely little desert place which was crashed by Takemichi and his friends. A few moments later, Naoka and Draken ran into them, and both of the Sano siblings eyes sparkling with happiness.



The two exclaimed and Naoka smiled at them.

"Ha! Taking your little sister out for her birthday huh Mikey?" Draken teased and Naoka rolled her eyes before nudging Draken.

"Oh right, here. Happy Birthday Emma." Draken said as he placed the toy plushie on her head and Naoka watched as Emma's cheeks tinted a lovely shade of pink.

Draken chatted to Takemichi and the others for a moment while Naoka also handed Emma a small gift.

"Happy Birthday Em. Hope you like it." She said sending her a small wink and Emma leapt up wrapping her arms around her waist.

"Thank you so much Naoka-chan!"

Mikey watched with a bit of jealousy. He wished he could be the one hugging her right now.

"Well, we'll be off now." Draken announced turning to pat Naoka's shoulder and she nodded as they started walking away.

"Wait!" Emma and Mikey called at the same time, and the dark eyed boy looked to his sister to continue. They were thinking the same thing.

"Did you guys want to join? We were just about to head to the arcade?" She said and Naoka pressed her lips together containing a laugh while Draken gave her a warning look.

"Sure, as long as its not the one in the shopping centre."


Emma had her arm linked in Naoka's as they decided on which games to play. The boys were off on their own playing air hockey, but Mikey's mind was focused on something else.

Well, someone else.

"Dude! I've scored on you like five times now, pay attention!" Draken taunted which he would soon regret as it sparked the shorter blonde's competitive side.

Within the next few minutes, Mikey scored on Draken relentlessly, the taller tattooed male sighing aggressively in defeat and wishing he had never said anything.

"What was that beanpole? Would you care to play another-"

"Forget it, lets go find the girls." Draken said rolling his eyes, and Mikey beamed in excitement.

"Yes, let's do that."

They found the girls just walking out of the photo booth and Mikey immediately grabbed Naoka's hand.

"Red, lets take some photos!" He chimed and she shrugged.

"Yeah, lets all pile in!" Emma said and Mikey hid his frustration as he reluctantly agreed.

They took many, some goofy, some cute, and by the end of it, he pushed the other blondes out of the booth leaving just him and Naoka.

"Just us now." He said giving her a closed eye smile and she shook her head a little in disbelief. He was acting different today, though she found it cute.

They put the money in before posing four times. The first two were goofy, the next, adorable as they hugged each other with closed eyes, and the last, she managed to plant a kiss on his cheek while his eyes were wide with shock.

"N- Naoka!" He yelled which only made her giggle. His cheeks were now a light shade of pink and she pinched them lightly.

"You're cute when you blush." She further teased and he looked away trying to hide the effects she had on him.

"Whatever, anyway, lets go." He said grabbing her hand as he pulled her out of the booth. He was thankful Emma and Draken had wandered off briefly, because that helped aid his operation: 'steal alone time with Naoka.'

"Let's leave the others to it, shall we? They can have a date." He suggested and she nodded in agreement, thinking of course Emma would want alone time with Draken.

"Good idea."

Emma and Draken had looked all over the arcade for the two but couldn't find them anywhere.

She turned to Draken with a pout, and he felt his cheeks heating up at how adorable she looked.

"I think Mikey stole Naoka-chan!" She exasperated and he pretended not to know. After all, earlier the shorter blonde had tossed the keys to his bike to Draken asking him to bring it home for him so that he could double with Naoka. He pretended it had annoyed him, though inside he was happy he would get alone time with Emma.

"Well, you've got me?" He said and she smiled hugging onto his arm.

"Yeah." She hummed as they both blushed. "I do."



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