"Y/n!" He called after you knowing you would get into trouble or get hurt.

"Ajak, what are our orders?" You questioned, coming to a halt in front of her as she looked around trying to focus on everything going on around you all.

"Can you relay this to the others?" She asked you.

"On it" you nodded, sending the message to the other Eternals.

"Druig, you get the people into their homes and keep them there. Phastos, bring the ship around for our thinkers to escape. Sersi, protect the town by creating a barrier, Sprite create an illusion to hide to town from the Deviants. Fighters, fight and y/n, help the fight"

"What? No she can't—" Druig started to protest.

"She can protect herself and help out until the Domo arrives" Ajak told him sternly, cutting off his protests.

"Y/n" Druig caught you before you ran off into battle. "Just settle down and think about this for a minute" he tried to tell you calmly, hoping you would give it a second thought before racing head first into a fight.

"Settle down are you kidding?" You scoffed. "I'm at the top of my game. Im right out there with Thena and Makkari. Druig come on, leave the saving of the world to the fighters, I don't think so" you shrugged him off, moving past him to get to the fight.

"Hey kid" Gilgamesh smiled warmly in the heat of battle as you ruched in, using your training to swing your sword at the Deviants legs, catching it off guards for Gilgamesh to knock it back with a single punch.

"How can I help?" You paused to ask him, the two of you taking a second to catch your breath.

"Take them down one at a time" he told you proudly, knowing you would be a great help to the fight. He ran off to help the others when you spotted Kingo, a Deviant sneaking up behind him. Using your powers of telepathy you pulled a tree from the ground and threw it at the Deviant, knocking it back and catching Kingo's attention. You spun around at the chaos and shot the Devient before turning in confusion at where the tree had come from. When his eyes landed on you he gave a wave and a shout.

"Thanks y/n!" He called over before his eyes went wide. "On your left!" You had turned to look over your left shoulder just in time to see the Deviant when you were sped away to a different area. Kingo blasted the Deviant and you spotted Makkari beside you.

"Thanks" you signed to her with gratefulness.

"Anytime" she signed back before speeding off again.

You and Thena were standing back to back, swords raised as you planned your next attack.

"Just like training" she commented, thinking back to the times since your attack that she had continued to train you in the safety of the Domo.

"Little more chaotic" you said.

"Just keep your focus on the Deviants" she reminded. You both jumped forward, cutting at the Deviants who threatened this planet. Thena and you looked at each other, sharing a nod as Thena slid in the dirt, cutting the underbelly of the Deviant you were fighting with as you jumped over her, pushing yourself off her sword to land on tops of the Deviant she was fighting, driving your sword into its head. "Good job" Thena helped you to your feet as you fell with the Deviant.

"I had a good teacher" you smiled to her before looking over the cliff to see the Domo rising to get you as the other thinkers were already safely on board.

"Go, we'll finish this" Thena nodded to you. You took a deep breath, looking at the battlefield you would have to cross to get to the Domo.

"Y/n!" Sersi called out to you as the platform was lowered, her and Druig looking out for you.

"Y/n!" Druig cried desperately, not seeing you as you were too far away.

"I'm coming" you replied into his mind, easing his nerves.

You started the run, sliding under a Deviant as Gilgamesh knocked it back. Jumping to your feet again, just barely missing the Deviant you continued to run, Ikaris shooting the Deviant that was going to attack you from behind.

"Get out of here!" He called to you, urging you to hurry up. Another Deviant was coming at you dead on, but Kingo noticed and blasted it back.

"Come on, y/n!" Druig shouted out, reaching his hand out to catch you as you had to make the small jump off the cliff. You pushed yourself off the ground and caught Druig's hand as he quickly pulled you into the Domo.

"She's in!" Sersi called back as Phastos shut the door, flying the Domo back to a safe distance again.

"Hey, hey are you alright?" Druig cupped your face as he tried to get your busy mind to focus again from the chaos of battle.

"Yeah, I'm alright" you nodded once your eyes focused on his, staring into his ocean blue eyes.

"Good, you did good out there" Ajak joined you with a proud smile. "Are you hurt?" she asked next.

"No, I don't think so" you shook your head as everything caught up to you and the adrenaline started to leave your body.

"We protected her" Gilgamesh stated as the fighters entered the conversation, having finished the battle.

"She kept up well" Thena commented with a proud smile to you.

"That's very good to know that she can keep up in a battle if we ever need her to again" Ajak nodded and you could sense Druig's worry. You slid the ring of your finger and placed it in his hand silently, feeling his nerves wash away as he took it to ease his nerves a bit.


Question of the day: would you rather be a Thinker or a Fighter?

Thank you all so much for the votes and comments! I love reading your comments and feedback so please keep it up!

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