"So they punish you?"



"That's how the world works, young one. We take care of our own."

Rune opened her mouth to speak again but a voice behind her stopped her.


She twisted towards the familiar voice, but no one stood where the noise came from.

"Young one?" the strange man called, "are you okay?"

Rune turned back to the stranger.

"You didn't hear that?"


The man took an unconscious step towards Rune, but as soon as he did, an ear piercing siren exploded in her ear.

"Run!" the man exclaimed, "don't let them know you spoke to me!"

But Rune was already running. How could he stand that siren? she asked herself as she allowed her body to fall into a familiar stride. It didn't matter where she was going, she just had to get away from that siren. No matter how far she got, the noise continued to reside in her mind, getting louder and louder. It wouldn't stop screaming.


"Hey! Hey! You're okay, okay?" A new voice rang in her ears. Rune blinked, opened her eyes, and realized she was no longer running. At some point she had stopped running and fallen on the ground. Her throat was sore, she must have been screaming.

Rune lifted her head off the ground to see yet another new person in front of her. She let her head fall back to the ground.

"I don't want to talk to any more new people today." Rune managed to growl at the stranger.

"I can leave if you want." the figure offered.


So the figure sat down in front of her, offered her some water (which she graciously took) and fell silent. Rune let the ringing in her head subside for a couple of minutes before speaking.

"Who are you?"

"The antithesis of everything you know."

Rune looked up at the stranger. For the first time, her eyes were able to fully take in his appearance. He wasn't short, but not tall either. He had pale, blush skin and hair that could only be described as a soft pink. He wore an off white tunic and black pants, tied at the waist with a red sash. A red cloak with a fluffy white collar hung above him on the tree he sat against. He wore a couple pieces of jewelry. Most notably, a thin crown and a single green stud earring in his left ear. It looked familiar, Rune just couldn't figure out why.

The stranger grinned, showing off a perfect white smile, including two small, tusk-like teeth.

"Better now?"

Rune nodded, but even this simple motion caused her head to explode in pain. The stranger seemed to realize this and moved to Rune's side faster than she thought possible.

"Here, drink this." he handed her a glass vial of red semi-fluid. He saw her hesitation and reassured her.

"It works better than any of that weak stuff they give you in L'Manburg."

Rune nodded again, instantly regretting it. She carefully opened the vial and downed it in one swallow. Instantly, her head began to clear. Wounds she didn't even know she had stitched themselves up in front of her eyes.

"I told you it works better," the stranger smirked.

"Thank you."

"Don't mention it kid."

The stranger stood up.

"Think you can get home from here?"

Rune looked up in the direction she assumed L'Manburg would be. She squinted into the distance for a moment before she spotted the tower Sam told her to look for.

"Yeah, I can."

"Go on then," the stranger said. Rune glowered back at him.

"Don't look at me like that, someone's probably waiting for you."

"You're right." Rune sighed.

The man grabbed his cloak and swung it over his shoulders in a swift, practiced motion.

"Hey kid?"


"What's your name?"

"You first."

The figure turned to her and smirked. Is this the only expression this guy makes?

"I like your style, kid."

"That's an odd name."

The stranger laughed.

"I'm Techno."


"Nice to meet you Rune."

"You too Techno."

And he disappeared into the forest. 


1264 Words

Something Lost - A DSMP Story (OLD)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum