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After breakfast, I'm in my room trying to get some work done on my Chemistry assignment when I hear a knock on my door and a wide smile makes its way to my lips. Jace can't stay away for just a few minutes, I can't blame him though, I also have to resist running into his arms every few minutes. I set aside my laptop and rush to open the door, my smile left my face as quickly as it came when I saw that it was the one and only dreaded Madam Emily standing in front of my room.

If she is here to persuade me to stay away from Jace as she did before then I'm ready for her because nothing is going to make me leave him again. Nothing.

I fold my hand around my chest and rest my back against my door while waiting for her to speak up.

"May I come in? Please?" She asks softly.

I stare at her in surprise for a few seconds, this is the first time she will ever say the word please to me, what changed? I hesitate before opening the door for her and we both walk into my room.

The air is filled with tension as she looks around the room for a while before turning to face me.

"I'm sorry." She says awkwardly.

Wow. Did she just say she's sorry?

"I know this might come as a surprise but I know I owe you an apology for how I treated you in the past, I thought I was merely looking out for my son, I had no idea how insensitive and wicked I was becoming." She takes a deep breath while wriggling her hands anxiously. "I hope you would...f-forgive me."

Wow, I am speechless as I stand there gaping at her like a fish, I never expected her to apologize for what she did but here she is apologizing. "I d-don't..." I stuttered.

"It's okay, you don't have to say anything now, I know it's going to be hard for you to just forgive and forget everything so easily." Right. "Take your time." I was still rooted to my spot as I watch her leave.

I can't see myself forgiving her easily for all the emotional pain and stress she put me through.

Jace rushed in at that moment with a look of panic and fury on his face.

"What did she say to you?" He asks through gritted teeth. I can also see him clenching and unclenching his fists to his sides.

"She only came here to apologize, Jace," I say softly while wrapping my arm around him.


"Yeah. For what she did to me."

I feel him visibly relax against me as I rest my head on his chest.

"Do you wish to see your father? To know who he is?" He asks all of a sudden.

I glance up at him in surprise, why is he bringing this up again?

"Do you?" He asks again when I didn't say anything.

"Honestly?" He nods and I take a deep breath. "Yes, I just want to know who he is and maybe ask why he abandoned my mother and me. I wish I could meet him for some kind of closure, you know...but I'm never going to forgive him for not being there for us." I blink back my tears and hug him tight. Especially when my mother was dying of cancer, I had to take care of her all by myself.

"There is something I need to tell you Princess but first..." He takes a step back and tilts my head back till I'm staring into his blue orbs. "...I'm taking you out tonight."

I grin at him happily. "Really?"

"Yeah." He whispers and gives me a chaste kiss on the lips.


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