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I am at the rooftop of the house with Sasha gazing at the stars, it is so beautiful and the view takes my breath away. Sasha is snuggled up to me with her head on my chest while my arm is around her waist.

"I miss my mom." She says out of the blues. "I miss her comforting and warm embrace, I miss the hot chocolate she makes for me whenever I'm sad just to cheer me up. I just wish she's here with me, to see how much her baby has been able to achieve a-and..." her trails off as her voice cracks.

"What about your dad? You never talk about him." I know about her mom, about how she died of cancer a few years ago but she hardly talks about her dad.

"That's because I don't know him." She mumbles in my chest softly. "My mom gets sad anytime I ask about him and she won't say anything thing, as time goes on I stopped asking about him. All I know is that he has a family and doesn't want to have anything to do with us."

Her voice is sad, I hate it and I wish there is something I can do to ease the pain and sadness in her voice and suddenly I have an idea.

"Do you know his name?" I ask while patting her back softly.

"I don't know." She whispers. "She wouldn't give me a name, I guess she knows what I'm going to do once I find out his name." She sighs and sits up.

"He's a fool for not wanting anything to do with a girl as amazing as you baby, it's his loss," I tell her, and right then and there I made up my mind to find out who her dad is.

I also sit up and watch her gazing at the stars, I feel so complete and excited with her beside me looking as beautiful as always like an angel.

My beautiful angel.

I tilt her head with my finger under her chin till she is looking into my ice and I'm also gazing into her molten brown own. Gosh! I'm addicted to her, she's like the air I breathe in and out to survive.

"I love you," I tell her for the hundredth time, I don't think I can ever get tired of reminding her.

I try to stifle a groan unsuccessfully as she licks her plump pink lips and bites into them nervously.

"I love you too." She murmurs before straddling me and attacking my lips.

And under the stars and moon, we both kissed passionately. I pressed my hand into her hips as I suck on her tongue, I don't know how long I can resist this, how long I'm going to wait before finally claiming her, before finally making love to her but one thing I'm sure of is that it won't be long, my self-control is slipping.

I still when I hear a loud sound of throat clearing and I groan out in frustration, who the hell is that? We both snap our heads in the direction the sound came from swiftly only to find out it's Ashley.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you lovebirds but dinner is ready and we are waiting for the both of you at the dining room." She says with a huge grin on her face.

There is this unspoken rule since I brought Sasha back that we all have dinner together at the dining table, I don't know what changed but things aren't as sad and boring as it was before.

"Whatever." I'm still glaring at her for spoiling my moment with Sasha.

"What?" She giggles and walks away.

I give a still blushing Sasha a peck on her forehead and stand up while pulling her up with me.

A few days later

I'm in my home office trying to get some work done without getting distracted by the sleeping beauty straddling me even though I already know it's impossible. I stopped working about twenty minutes ago just to watch her sleep and I must admit, it's quite a beautiful sight. She has her arms around my neck and her head resting on my left shoulder, I couldn't hold back a small chuckle when I hear her snoring softly, I'm so going to tease her with this later.

My ringing phone pulls me out of my trance and I quickly reach out to pick it before it wakes Sasha up, my heart skips a beat when the caller turns out to be Julian.

"Jace." He calls breathlessly after I pick up the call and I know immediately that he has some important news for me but what I don't know yet is if it's good news or bad news, I pray it's the former.

"You won't believe what I found out." He whispers into the phone.

"This better be good," I warn while stroking a wriggling Sasha on the back softly.

"It depends on how you see it." He replies as my breath hitches in my throat.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean it can be good news and at the same time be bad news."

"Do you have any info concerning Sasha's dad?" I whisper while glancing at Sasha to see if she's still asleep, thankfully she is.

I wouldn't want her to find out about this yet, not until I'm sure of whosoever was it that abandoned her and her mother.

"Yes. Are you at home? You need to see this." He mumbles and I hear the sound of him typing furiously into a keyboard.


"I'm on my way right now."

"I will be expecting you." He hangs up and I drop my phone on the table.

"Soon baby, soon. You're going to find out who your father is." I give her a small peck on the lips.

I was able to carry Sasha to her room and drop her on the bed without waking her up although she almost did and I walk back to my office to wait for Julian while finishing the paperwork I wasn't able to complete when Sasha was still here just to pass time. A few minutes later I hear a soft knock on the door, I glance at the time on my phone just to see that I have been working for the past twenty minutes, I was so engrossed in the paper works so I didn't pay much attention to the time.

"Come in," I say and Clara, the maid walks in.

"Mr. Julian is here to see you, he said you're already expecting him."


"Then I'll lead him up here."

"Please do. Thanks."

She bows slightly and takes her to leave, moments later Julian strides in with his laptop.

"What did you find out?" I asked impatiently as he takes his seat in front of me and sets his laptop on the desk.

"Hey, calm down." He chuckles.

After tying in a few things in his laptop he turns it around till it is facing me and I pull it closer to check what is so important that he has on it. All I'm seeing here is different pictures of a woman who I recognize as Sasha's mother-since she has shown me a picture of her before- and another man... Damon? Cassie's dad? No way, this better not be what I'm thinking.

"What is this Julian?" I ask while strolling through the endless romantic and cozy pictures.

"I went through Mira, Sasha's mother's Facebook account and I came across an old picture of her and Damon, that's the only picture she posted of herself and a man. The picture is far romantic to be considered as casual." He turns the laptop around and clicks on a picture before turning it back to me. In the picture, I see a younger version of Cassie's dad, staring her Sasha's mom with a look so intense... fuck! "But that's not enough proof that there was something between them, so I decided to go through Damon's social media accounts, I didn't find anything until I came across his old Facebook account. There, I came across all this picture and there is one..." He turns the laptop to himself again, "...that made me believe without a doubt that he's Sasha's dad."

He turns it to me again and I see a picture of Damon and Mira, a pregnant Mira, I think about seven months? He has his hand on her belly with a goofy grin plastered on his face. They both look happy.

"Are you saying Sasha and Cassie are both...stepsisters?" I ask.

"I believe so but I'll continue with my findings."

This is so fucked up, how is Sasha going to take this news? That Damon is her father and also Cassie's father although he divorced Cassie's mom about six years ago?

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