Just Another Good Thing (A)

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A/N: Hey! Another short-ish one (I promise they'll get longer 😓). This is set after No Way Home and has a ton of fluff-filled angst if that makes any sense. 😂 Um...yeah more Tasm. There aren't really any No Way Home spoilers in this, but there are references to the general plot and...characters that appear. 😉

Disclaimer: I don't own anything that isn't mine. 😄

Warnings: Nothing really, but Peter isn't having the best time in this. 🤧

It's been years since Gwen died, yet Peter still found himself thinking of her every passing moment.

After his...strange encounter with the other Peters, he started to wonder if he could ever find love like they did. But at the same time, he knew that he had found love. He was just too weak to save it.

He couldn't help but imagine what would happen if he hadn't been. They would be happy together. Maybe they'd have kids. Gwen always wanted kids.


"Yeah, we'll get an apartment," Peter started, laying on the grass and grinning at the sky.

"With a fire escape," Gwen added.

"Right. And we'll live happily ever after."

"Just the two of us?"

Peter nodded, glancing at her to find that she was still mesmerized by the clouds.

"What about kids?" she asked. Peter could tell she felt insecure while asking about it. She knew Peter had been worried about their family's safety -- if they did indeed start one. Being Spider-Man's children would place a huge target on their backs.

"Kids...," Peter echoed. "If you want."

"Really?" Gwen's eyes lit up and she propped herself up on her elbows to achieve a sitting position.

Peter just shrugged with a sly smile, but he felt the same as his girlfriend on the inside. He loved when Gwen got so excited, just like how he hated when she cried. He always wanted to please her. He wanted to give her every little thing she wanted, even if he had to go through hell to do it.


Peter closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Gwen loved it up on the Empire State Building, where he was now. So, naturally, he loved it too.

Every time he swung by her favorite places he felt a pang of guilt. But he knew that she would want him to move on and be happy. Though he understood that there was no way he could ever move on, he tried to focus on the happy memories. The ones that brought a smile to his face and not tears.


"Your parents won't see you leave," Peter promised mischievously.

Gwen tilted her head slightly and there was a flutter in Peter's heart. She was just adorable.

Before either of them knew it, they were on top of one of the tallest buildings in all of New York.

Gwen couldn't stop smiling and neither could Peter as they stuffed their faces with various fruits and deserts. Peter fed her chocolate covered strawberries and she threw small cookies at him which he easily caught in his mouth and gobbled up.

They stared into each other's eyes and seemed to communicate through them.

They both had a deep understanding of Peter's responsibility which cast a constant shadow on their relationship. Right now, they could just be normal teenagers in love.


Then there was their first kiss. The moment when they just clicked.

All the times when he'd landed on her fire escape and she'd patched him up.

Every second she was by his side, no matter what the cost.

The late nights she'd spend wide awake, sick with worry for her careless boyfriend.

When he listened to that voice-mail in the Roosevelt Train Station and sent her that message on the bridge.

Their last kiss, just as sweet and passionate as the first one.

All these years and he still couldn't grasp the fact that the most perfect person that had ever lived was gone. Well, he assumed that was what the phrase "all good things must come to an end" meant.

But the thing that really stung was that Gwen wasn't just another good thing.

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