Dreams (A)/(H)

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A/N: Hello, hello! So when you're reading this, keep in mind that I wrote this like...forever ago. 😂 I wasn't really that experienced, so sorry if it sucks, but I just wanted to post something because you guys are so supportive (thanks for that by the way 🥰). Also, in this chapter, I mention the Vulture, but it's also sort of about Tasm (you'll understand when you read it), so you can decide which universe this is in. I imagine it as Tasm, but that's just because Andrew's hella cute 😳...I didn't say that. Anyway, I might [read probably] do a part two for this also, so keep that in mind. But yeah, thank you for reading, and enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own what others do. ☺

Warning: Nothing. Just excuse any grammar or spelling errors (I didn't edit at all). 🤫

The bright neon lights shone through the cracks of the blinds and on to Peter's glossy chocolate eyes.

He held a sleeping Gwen protectively close to his chest and gently stroked her soft hair. She let out a small snore that became a loud mumble, which then became a soft murmur.

Peter chuckled despite himself and kissed her golden locks. He lifted his wrist, careful not to wake up his sleeping beauty. He checked his uncle's old watch and sighed. Gwen slowly turned in his arms and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"What's wrong?" she asked groggily. Her vibrant eyes met his and Peter couldn't help but smile. Gwen licked her dry lips and slightly tilted her head in confusion.

"Nothing. Go back to sleep, Gwennie," he whispered, planting a kiss on her rosy cheek.

"Uh huh. Are you okay?" she covered her mouth to stifle a yawn and closed her barely open eyes for a moment.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine," Peter lied. He didn't want to make her worry more than he already was.

"Mmm, bad dreams?" Gwen said. Either he was a terrible liar, or she really could read him like a magazine. His lips parted slightly and she looked at him with a small smirk.

"Uh, n-no. No, n-no," he stuttered.

"Wow, smooth," she joked. "But seriously, what's going on?"

"Really, nothing. I'm good," Peter nodded, more to himself than to Gwen. She yawned again and rubbed her eyes.

"Well I'm already up. Now I wanna know." She put on her pouty face, which she knew Peter couldn't resist. He grinned and shook his head at her as she sat up next to him. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and she rested her head on it.

"Just...like you said...bad dreams," He spoke softly, eyes focused on her mesmerizing emerald irises following his every move.

"About what?" She asked, leaning in closer.

"I...nothing, Gwen," he ran a hand through his messy hair, looking back down at her, now holding back tears.

"Hey," she whispered, lifting a hand to caress his cheek, "talk to me."

His eyes darted around the room, anywhere she wasn't. Eventually, they settled on her creme nightgown, studying every stitch and seam.

"Please?" She begged. She knew that Peter had the weight of the world on his shoulders and he couldn't carry it all on his own, no matter how strong he was.

"I," he started, but quickly shook his head and brought his attention back to her silk gown. "I don't wanna talk about it. I-I can't."

"Peter," she repeated under her breath.

"Gwen, no. It doesn't even matter because it's never gonna come true," he mumbled. "I won't let it."

"It's my father," she nodded, a flood of realization sweeping over her, "isn't it?"

Peter didn't respond, but the silence was enough of an answer for Gwen. She leaned forward and gently brushed off the single tear streaming down his cheek.

"Nothing's gonna happen to me, okay?" she stated. "I promise I'm never gonna leave you. Ever."

"You can't promise that," he said, his voice cracking with emotion.

"But I can," she replied, "and I did."


"'You'll always catch me,' remember?" She couldn't help but smile as she recalled the night when he saved her from the Vulture's deadly talons.

"Yeah, but what if I don't?" He muttered. "What if you fall and I'm not there to catch you?"

"Peter, I trust you."

"I...I saw you die. Y-you did fall."

He wrapped his arms tighter around her, as if the moment he let go, she would disappear into thin air.

"Oh, Peter," she mumbled as she kissed his cheek and closed her eyes, trying to avoid and forget Peter's hurt gaze.

"And I didn't catch you."

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