“You got laid today didn’t you? Then why are you still worked up over Jae confessing to you?” 

This. This is the reason why he doesn’t wanna tell Jimin what is bothering him.

Jeon Jungkook, a 22 years old basketball player, who is super straight, who doesn’t stare at any boy for more than 2 seconds, got asked out by a guy in the middle of 10 other guys some months ago in their locker room. That is the most embarrassing incident that happened in his life or that’s what he thinks. He doesn’t have anything against queer people but that day, he went harsh on Jae when he rejected him. 

Everyone witnessed it. It became a topic of whispering for a couple of weeks and Jungkook had a hard time to cope up after that incident.

It wasn’t Jae’s fault, Jungkook is a really hot guy. Anyone is bound to fall for him. Also, he never said he was straight, not verbally at least. That doesn’t matter because feelings are feelings and Jae couldn’t help it. But he got rejected in a way that made him a reason to get mocked for days. 

But it’s been months and people have forgotten it way before. Then what is the reason that makes Jungkook so uncomfortable and pissed off when he spotted Jae today? 

He successfully ditched the practice, had a wonderful breakfast, Jimin didn’t throw a tantrum, got laid… that’s where Jungkook got stuck. He got laid, not once but twice in a day. With two hottest girls of the uni with really big boobs and ass that everyone stares at. Dreams to tap those. But only Jungkook got the privilege to do so. 

But it wasn’t what he thought it would be like.

It’s far from what he thought it would be like.

Sex hasn’t been satisfying enough for months and it’s pissing him off. Still, being mad at Jae doesn’t seem valid with this. Then why and who wouldn’t enjoy sex? 

Jungkook can’t answer this question. He has nothing to answer for this. And he won’t. Nor will he say this to anyone that he has been faking his orgasms while having sex recently. It frustrates him but he is a stubborn ass and will just fuck it away again at night when he goes to some other girl that he won’t probably remember the name of, the next morning when he wakes up. 

Jungkook comes to the dorm to a passed out Yoongi on the couch. There was some soccer playing on the tv. But probably the couch was more interesting than the soccer that he decided to sleep instead of watching his favorite sports. 

He doesn’t wake him up. Gotta answer so many questions if he wakes up so it’s better the longer he sleeps. Jungkook will just take this moment to take a shower. He still smells like the perfume of the girl he just had sex with a few hours ago.

The water runs through Jungkook’s body and as he watches his muscles soak beneath it. He sighs.. deeply. What is this that isn’t working out? Why isn’t he enjoying himself? The questions run in his mind that the water is unable to wash away. He looks down and thinks of jerking off the frustration. But he didn’t feel like it either. It was like, he was completely out of the term getting pleasured.

He looks at the mirror and spots some hickeys here and there. A sarcastic scoff leaves his lips as he dries himself with a towel and wears his sweatpants. He threw the towel over his shoulder and came out of the shower and saw Yoongi was up. 

“I left some rameon for you.” Yoongi gestures towards the table. Jungkook nods in acknowledgement. But he doesn’t go to the table. Rather he comes and sits on the couch as he dries his hair with the towel roughly. 

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