Bloody hell

512 15 28

Amity P.O.V

Warning blood and that 


Luz fell to the floor with blood poring out of her I felt like I was going to be sick before I could think Willow grabbed my arm and pulled me to cover.

Me: LUZ 

I began to chock up tears filling my eyes I could barely see. I wiped the tears from my eyes looking down to Luz, who was laying on my lap.

Willow used some plant magic to cover Luz' wound while I was trying to think strait I turned my head to the left a bit and I spotted Luz's bat her weapon, MY WEAPON!

Me: there Dead!

Willow: whose dead?

Me: the mother fucker that sniped Luz!

I grabbed the red bat and sprung in to action, I ran to a wall dodging the occasional bullet. I slammed my back to the wall, I knew I was safe because I was what people say a blind spot. 

Me: I'm guessing that fucker in in that tower 

I crouched down and continued moving towards the tower. 



I kicked the bottom boor of the tower down and walked through it, dragging the bat across the floor as I walked.

Me: where are yoooooou~

step by step I felt that I was getting closer to the sniper. I could hear the echo of the red bat hitting the steps as I walked up them and well eventually I got to the top the one thing In my way was a door.

I leaned forward grabbing the door handle and twisting it open the door slowly creaked open and well what happen next is well pretty obvious.


I felt a bullet fly past my emotionless face the fours of it blowing back my hair a little I took a step closer to the sniper as they try to bolt there rifle but I was obvious that they were fuelled with fear as I inched closer the sniper fell to the ground.

Me: to bad you missed or this whole thing would of played out differently

I let out a sadistic chuckle as my hand griped around the handle of the bat. I walked to the sniper kicking the rifle out of there hands making it slide across the floor. 

Me: y-you think you can shoot MY LUZ and get away with it oh what a fool!

I swung the bat up in to the air and down on  to the the sniper's head, blood splattered across the floor as I raised the bat once more hitting the sniper in the gut and I repeated it and repeated and I hat to say bit It felt good. 

Lets just say that we won't be seeing the sniper anymore.

Luz P.O.V 

Me: auugghh my head 

I slowly opened my eyes to see a roof? I slowly looked around the room to fined out that I was indeed in my bed room.

I turned my head to the left to see a sleeping Amity on a chair, well that is one thing you don't see every day.

I grabbed a pillow from my bed and threw it at Amity knowing that she dose not like being woken up.

Amity: AHHG! huh L-LUZ 

she ran over to me and embracing me in to a hug I hugged back because that is what you do in a hug but I was confused about something.

Me: so why are you so happy to see me? 

Amity: you got fucking shot you idiot 

Luz: I did?

I pulled up the covers and there right around my gut were well bandages and that was again another shock that morning. 


I went to sit up but then the pain kicked in and my god did it hurt, I cried out in pain as I tried to sit up and Amity Put her hands on my shoulders slowly pushing me back down

Amity: your hurt don't try to get up If you need something gust get me anyway I will probably spend most of my time in here with you  

Me: aww you sooooooo kind Amity staying here just for little old me awwww 

Amity: shut it I could kill you If I wanted to

Me: no you won't 

Amity just huffed in defeat and sat back down in her chair she pulled out her phone and started to play a game on it 

Me: hey Amity

Amity: yeah?

Me: do you know where my bat went?

Amity froze up as that sentence left my mouth and well I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing 

Amity: w-why?

Me: well you know it's a nice bat and I just want to know if you guys grabbed it or left it at the docks? 

Amity: oh yeah we got it I umm I was just cleaning it yeah 

Me: alright then .... umm are you ok Amity you just started acting strange when I started to speak about my bat? 

Amity: whhaaat noo I'm fine I really should be asking you that oh that reminds me I will have to change your bandages soon. 

Me: ummmm yeah sure.... WAIT YOU PUT THEM ON.

____________________________________________________________ Hello so sorry that this chapter is shorter it's juts I really can't think of what to write about a bedbound luz anyway I hoped you liked this chapter and you know you can read after the trenches if you what I don't know it's kind of epic ok bye.     

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