the first class with troubles

534 15 18

Luz P.O.V

Me: E1,E3,E4 ah E5 here we are our class 

I looked at Amity and she looked well VERY Amity like youknow blank face and all 

Me: come on Amity say somethinggggg

Amity: umm ok ahem well done Luz you shouted out loud every class room number we passed until we got to our class do you want a medal?

Me: yes

Amity: what?

Me: anyway lets go in!

I gently pushed open the class room door giving of a creek as I pushed it open Me and Amity walked in to the large class room and it is not a normal desk class room it is one of those that has rows of seats going up and stairs going all the way down to the bottom of the class room where the teacher stood like the seating in the theatre but curves around the room.

I looked around the room to see if I could spot Willow because she left early as Amity told me on the way to class.

Amity: Look fourth row up to the right side of the class Willow is there

Me: oh I see!

Me and Amity head off to willow awkwardly shuffling past people and bumping in to them when we eventually got over to Willow I sat next to her and Amity sat next to me Amity crossed her arms leaning back in to  her seat looking forward not paying attention to Willow or Me staring at her.

Willow: so Luz I got a text from well Eda 

Me: oh so what did it say 

Willow: It said ahem remember about you know the whole job thing  I don't want you guys forgetting about is also a little bird told me that the gang is moving down to the docks so I would say the best time to strike is tomorrow bye 

Me: oh yeah I forgot about that whole thing

Willow: yeah we probably need to look back on those photos again

Before I could say anything the doors to the class room swung open and crashing against the wall and the whole room  went deadly silent.

Amity: what the hell

then the teacher walked through the doors that he just destroyed against the wall and walked down the sears you could hear every time his shoos hit the bottom of a single step. when he reached the bottom of the stairs he formally walked to his desk stopping and turned around on his heels looking back at his class.

mr ???: the hell you all so quiet for I am not that strict well at least I think so? anyway I am MR Wilson and I will be your teacher

Me: oh well he seems nice 

Willow: yeah but something is off

Me: you think so?

Mr Wilson sat sown at his desk booted up his computer and well he looked like he remembered something.

Mr Wilson: oh yeah you guys have a exam at the end of this month and if you don't pass well you can say bye bye to this class 

I was kind of amazed how he said that in such a monotone voice and I was also terrified about failing because I don't want all of Amity's time bribing for us to come here all go for nothing. 

Willow: ah there it is the thing that was of about him

Me: well you seem very proud of your self

Willow; eh its not that bad it is just an exam 

Me: well all that stuff comes natural to you what do you thing I am going to do?

Willow: study?

Me: what ew no

Willow: well that explains a lot 


I fell back in to my seat and turned my head towards Amity an she did not look fazed as well was I the only one that was worried about this?

Amity: Hey human you look worried are you ok 

Me: what do you think did you not hear what the teacher just said 

Amity: oh yeah nahh that will be easy but not for you because you have the attention span of a four year old 

Me: shut up blight

Amity just laughed and looked away back to the teacher.

the rest of the day was fine just going to class to class learning about stuff and blowing up the toilets so nothing exiting and eventually we got home. 

    Amity pushed open the out dorm door and walked in as I followed behind her and diving on to the sofa.

Amity: what the hell is wrong with you it looked like you had a blast today literally 

Me: Hey they should not just lay out explosive chemicals and expect me NOT to blow something up anyway I am street about the exam you know me trying to teach me to do magic is like talking to a wall 

Amity: you do know it is not a magic exam?


Amity: hmmm seems that you need help you should probably study

Me: like I said to Willow what no ew

Amity: hmm what if I help you

Me: wait really you would do that

I felt a wave of relief wash over me as Amity said that and god knows I need help and plus more time with her- I mean more time to annoy the hell out of her and well studying by yourself is boring.

Amity: pfft HA what you thought I would help you HA you really are stupid    

Me: you little shit pleas help me I will do anything 

Amity: man you really what me that bad



the room fell silent after Amity's last comment and we both realised how well forward that sounded Amity looked around the room to try and brake the tension but was unsuccessful we just stayed like that for a few seconds you could hear a pin drop.

Amity with a slight blush gained enough courage to pip up

Amity: y- you know I ahem I did not mean it in that way 

Me: y- yeah totally

Amity: great

Me: hmmm If you don't help me study I will umm Tell Willow about this whole situation 

Amity: w- what you wouldn't 

Me: try me Blight

Amity sighed In defeat and looked down.

Amity: fine I will help you study 

Me: HA yess

A slight smile appeared on Amity's face 

_______________________________________________ AH HA! hello so I am to tired to read over this to see if it is good or not because I have had exams to day and I am just tired so Try to enjoy this also if you did not know I have released another fanfic you know the one I was telling you guy's about the first chapter is out so go read it and tell me if it is good and if it is I will make more chapters because I have a lot planed for it anyways bye for now  

Beta Lumity ( university edition) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя