The University

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Time skip one month because I said so


"according to my big brain also those giant letters on the top of that building that should be the Universities dormitory" I then hoisted my suitcase up so it stands on it's own and then turned to face Willow and Amity while Willow looked like a kid in a sweet shop Amity looked like she dose not give a flying fuck

I just ignored her and swiftly turned around and walked in to the dormitory entering the lobby with Willow following close behind and well the lobby looked well grand it had marble flooring and as well as the roof both reflecting each ( I think that is how you say it?) like two massive mirrors but to brake the symmetry the roof had large square shaped lights neatly fitted in the walls where painted white but in the corners of the lobby there stood tall marble pillars looking like they were holding up the roof there are brightly coloured sofas paired with a light oak coffee table doted around the place on the left side of the lobby there stand a pair of lifts next to the stairwell and to the right side of the lobby there is a hallway looking like it links back up with the actual University and last but not least in the middle of the lobby stands the check in ( that was long)

Willow walked in and looked at the check in "right I will go get all of our room keys you two just go sit down at one of the sofas" Willow then made her way to the check in while me and Amity walked to one of the brightly coloured sofas and sat down I was about to try to start small talk but Amity looked at me dead in the eyes "don't bother talking to me I would rather have a chat with my parents than talk to you although seeing you desperately trying to start a conversation with me might be entertain" I could see a devilish grin start to appear across her face " well excuse me princess looks like some one woke up on the wrong side of the bed" I slouched in my seat I gave a glance at Amity she looks like she is thinking of a response as she was about to make a witty response she was interrupted by willows return " right I have got all of our room keys remember you room number" she past a key to Amity and then chucked a key over to me

"1944" I read of the top of my key then I heard Amity repeat what I just said probably trying to mock me "oi Blight why did you just repeat me are you trying to mock me" I looked at Amity with a fears look in my eyes but she was not looking at me she was looking at her key "umm Amity what room number do you have" I said with a shaky voice Amity then looked up at me with a confused face "umm 1944 why" she said with a some what harsh tone I then turned around my key in my hands showing her the room number I had on my key "THE FUCK WHY DOSE YOUR KEY HAVE MY ROOM NUMBER ON IT" Amity then looked at Willow " TELL ME THAT THIS IS SOME KIND OF JOKE" Amity looked like she was about to tear willow in two I slowly moved my self away from Amity "I should probably start proof reading my will because I will not survive the night with Amity" I thought to my self

"hey should we just go up to our rooms now" Willow said backing away from Amity "yeah god idea I could also plan escape roots when Amity tries to kill me in my sleep" I said putting on a jokey but worried voice we all walked to one of the lifts and walked inside Willow presses one of the buttons and the lift starts to go up we all stand in silence and then the doors of the lift slide open and then we all walk out "right I am going to find my dorm" I then start to walk down the hall "ok see you two later" Willow shouts "yeah you too" I turn my head to look at Willow as i carry one walking Amity is follows far behind me about three steps behind

Time skip because yes

me and Amity look at our room door "well guess this is ou- AGH" Amity pushes me out of the way and makes her way in to the dorm "hey no need to be so rough dickhead" I regain my balance "you were being to slow and I just wanted to push you" Amity gives me a side eye I walk in to the dorm and yep it is a dorm alright yeah it is modern looking but there is a kitchen, bath room, living room ect Amity throws her self on to the sofa and I just walk in to the kitchen it is one of those open plan kitchen so there are no walls separating it from the living room so sadly I can still see Amity I look through some cupboards and to a big surprise nothing is there no food nothing I closed the cupboards and walked out of the kitchen and made my way to one of the two bedrooms I walked in to the bed room and looked around there was a desk a bed some wardrobes normal bed room stuff

"oi Amity I have chosen my bed room ok" I shouted so Amity could hear me in a cupel of seconds she replied " good for you do you want a sticker" in a sarcastic tone "well fuck you too" I fell on my bed and let out a loud sigh "this is going to be a long year

_______________________________________ umm yeah I hope you liked it umm when I was writing this I realized holey shit I am bad at this so if any of you have any ideas for the story or any tips about writing because I need it ok bye

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