f o r t y - e i g h t

Start from the beginning

"Why did you bring me here?", Jack attempts to change the subject, and it works. I wish I could take him down to the small beach café, where Neo confessed their identity to me, but the sun won't allow us.

"Do you remember that party from a few months ago, the one where we became friends?"

Jack's mouth pulls into a smile, his gaze twinkling with mischief.

"We were never just friends, but yeah, I do. Proceed", he teases. I roll my eyes, struggling to help the unwilling smile to fade away.

"Anyway, you bastard, right before the party started, Neo and I came down here, to that beach café up west", I point to the small, blue dot on the beach. Jack glances in the direction, his eyes seemingly seeing perfect detail of the café.

"While we were sitting, I saw a woman and her kid, walking up and down the beach", I reminisce woefully, remembering their tattered clothes and the way their feet hitched in the sand. They died in a shipwreck, I remember. I Googled it the next day, it scared me to think they'd walk around like that, not knowing they died. They wrecked nearly 240 years ago, and their bodies were never found. With a guilty shame, I don't remember their names. One day, that'll be me, a name mentioned in a newspaper article from decades ago, simply a memory to some.

"They died many years ago, before Edward's time. You know, they could have been criminals, serial killers, thieves - but I still cry for them, sometimes", I admit while letting thumb run over the hard leather of the steering wheel.

"Can you guess why?", I hardly give Jack a chance to answer my rhetorical question.

"Because they were human beings. No matter how cruel they might have been, or who they hurt. No matter how many times we wish these evil souls to cease to exist, we hardly wish death on them", I ramble on, closing my eyes. My thumb nail pressed into the steering wheel, creating a release for myself.

"That's what makes us good, Jack. We don't hurt those who hurt us, we know the universe will set what's right."

I reopen my eyes, turning to face Jack in my seat. He doesn't look at me, bit instead intensely stare at the manifested ship wrecking against rocks. I look away, out the window at the sunlight that warms the car. The radio softly plays a song, one I haven't heard before, but the sound is like waves at deep sea, untouched by activity.

I hope Jack realizes the obvious point I'm making, that I don't want him to touch Alex Kim. Maybe he'll ask how I know - but I'll lie. It is a craft I have mastered, and I will use it again. Even though I kind of hate Edward right now for downplaying my mother's pain, I won't rat him out.

"I didn't do anything when he strangled you, Blondie, but he's getting away with murder", Jack grits out, folding his hand into a fist that let's the magic in his hands disappear.

"I am not some damsel in distress that needs her honor saved, Jack", I counter-argue.

"He'll get what is coming to him. But I will not see you kill Alex Kim. You don't deserve that."

I try not to let my voice rise higher than usual, fearful of causing a loud conflict. I don't have it in me to fight. Jack scoffs and roll his eyes, turning away from my watchful sight.

"You're not the damsel? Ophelia, I'm not some fragile little boy, just because of what happened to me. I've killed men before, and I enjoyed it", he turns to me at this statement, narrowing his eyes.

"I think you're forgetting what I am. I am designed to kill your kind, and I wouldn't feel guilt. It is how things are", his lips pull into a sneer, letting the anger boil over like a ticking time bomb.

"I didn't say that, Jack", I frown and press my palms into my eyes.

"I know you can kill me. So what? So can a bullet, or a car accident, or a very determined frog. But that's not my point", I rest my head against the seat. It feels like we're talking in circles.

"You've worked so hard, baby, and you're willing to throw it away for a rapist?", I emphasize the last word by bringing my fingers together, not hiding the disgust in my voice.

"I've done worse to worse people, Ophelia. If you're scared about my purity or whatever, don't be. They'll lock the doors of Heaven before I arrive."

A harsh exhale through my nose shows my annoyance, and it is hard not to show how much his words hurt.

"Fine, okay, if you care so little about yourself, do it. Please. Go ahead", I encourage him, slapping the back of my one hand against my other's palm, highlighting each word.

"But let's see who they blame. Flynn just went to show them evidence that Alex Kim raped my dead mom. The same woman who killed his parents. And guess who they'll blame when he dies?"

Jack's expression tenses at my words, realizing the implications of his actions, should he go through. No one would believe Alex Kim dying the same day Flynn went to the police station. I did my research after Flynn and I spoke - why would they arrest him on a crime that happened nearly twenty years ago, to a dead woman? They'll tell Flynn this, and he'll be mad - like I am. If Jack goes out to kill Alex Kim, I will be the suspect who looks like she searched for vengeance.

"Alex Kim took so much from me already, Jack. Don't let him take you from me too", I beg Jack, reaching over the console to take his hand. Jack stares down at our interlinked hands, before reaching it up to press his lips against my skin.

"I love you so much, that sometimes, I can't breathe", I confess to him, stroking his hand with my thumb.

"I am sorry, Blondie. I wasn't thinking straight. I just - I am so scared of something like this happening to you", he admits with a sheepish tone in his voice. I want to touch his lips, his eyes and kiss him, hold him like I'll stay forever young.

"I know", I whisper quietly. That is how things always work between Jack and I - we never shout and I don't have to flinch. I know that if I kiss him while angry, he'll kiss me back as if I were a lifeline. He is mine. I want to tell him, he'll always be so much more worth than whatever good I have to offer this world. I'll never be able to deserve him, winner's man that he is.

"I love you more than eternity itself", Jack presses our hands to his forehead. I smile at him, before pulling my hand back to start the car.

"Come on, baby. Let's go to our beach, I want to read you a new book."

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