It was dinner time, so he knew where his guys would be. Wolves never missed a meal. He needed to keep all of them apprised of the situation as it intensified, as well as find out about the progress regarding the surveillance video. They would also need to know about the meeting in New Orleans and figure out who would be attending and who would be staying behind to protect their pack. He decided Rowan shouldn't attend their pack meeting tonight, but that too was something that might not be in his control. The woman clearly did what she wanted.

"Evenin' guys.." Kester walked through the doorway into the kitchen. Before him sat his eight wolves, the primary males in the pack, all fighters, none attached to females, nothing to lose.

"The video was wiped clean. Musta' been the vamps. We've got some people on it." Tearlach sat at the head of the table, twirling a fork over and over in his fingers. He was obviously deep in thought over Rowan. Kester nodded in his direction.

"You never come down to eat with us Kester, so spill it?" Mil looked to Fitz, they were always the most observant. Fitz had his phone out on the table waitin' for the surveillance information.

"I'm hungry." Shrugging his shoulders, Kester sat down with his men and began serving himself up a smorgasbord of food. He had to give the illusion of being calm, cool and collected even if his insides were twitchin' over what he needed to share with his guys.

"While I don't think that's entirely true, we're listening." Fitz stared at Kester as though he could obtain the information simply by observing him.

"I've set up a meeting in New Orleans with our allies in Rowan's family. It's about as safe as we can be, but there are spies there. We know that. So here goes, we're outnumbered, significantly. Vertigen is not the only one looking for her now. Declan called me." Kester's gaze moved to Tearlach.

At the mention of his name Tearlach's growl shook the table. "I will have that fucker's head on a platter."

"I can't take all of you with me. As soon as one of their spies sees us meeting with her family, they'll know we're the ones aiding her and will most likely come here. Also, looks like Declan may have called in his hunting party to look for both Vertigen and Rowan."

The energy in the air was tangible. The wolves were incredibly charged at the mention of a vampire hunting party, but no one spoke, and they were careful to keep their growls to the confines of the kitchen.

"We need to put our people in hiding somehow. We can't go against them. We don't have the numbers to fight both factions on our own." Kester scooped up a heaping spoonful of mashed potatoes and brown gravy."I'm callin' people in to help with the evac."

The silence was growing uncomfortable, so Branigan spoke first, "I'll stay behind. Men like me get into trouble in places like that." He laughed, but he knew Kester wanted volunteers to stay behind with the pack. Wolves were bred for fighting, not baby sitting.

"Is Rowan invited?" Tearlach would be wherever she was.

"I don't think that would be wise, but Rowan makes her own decisions. I think we all know that." Kester didn't even want to think about having that conversation with her.

"Still can't believe she killed him." Sawney shook his head in disbelief. He hadn't liked her at first, but he was warming to her.

"Yeah, well, the girl did good." Maitland devoured his turkey leg as he tried to keep from smiling and spilling his food.

"I need to speak with her first. It'll be very dangerous for her there." Kester would be the one to let her know he'd be meeting with her family.

"As opposed to here? That's funny." Sawney always had a smart ass comment. Unfortunately, he lacked a filter, so it all came out.

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