Chapter 39

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Declan called his right hand man first, "Bhaltair. She's here with me, sleeping. Fucking lycans and demons, she's exhausted. I'm not sure what they did to her, but she's a wreck."

"Tearlach showed up at one of our establishments. He wants to speak with you, immediately."

Bhaltair's voice was completely monotone, no sense of urgency. That's what Declan liked about Bhaltair. He knew when something was really important and when to let the shit drop. He could be trusted with things.

Declan had always treated Bhaltair as an equal, that's why they were such good friends. No one had ever treated the fierce Bhaltair as an equal, at least not until he started runnin' with Declan, and that's why he would do anything for Declan.

"Ahhh, yes. I knew he would show up somewhere." Declan laughed at that. "Tell him I'm too busy comforting Rowan to take any personal calls right now. That ought to piss that wolf off."

"Yes, that will do it. Also, Oliver and Dermid are both MIA- no one's seen them." Bhaltair studied the information regarding all of Dermid's assets. There was nothing further to investigate, but he had a suspicion Dermid was involved with Oliver's disappearance as well.

"Well, I can keep an eye on Rowan here, and she's the important one. No harm will come to her as long as she's with me."

"She wants you to stay with her then?" Bhaltair was pleased to hear this. If she was his bride they were gaining one powerful ally.

"Well, she hasn't kicked me out yet if that's what you mean." Declan's voice was light hearted.

It had been a very long time since Bhaltair had heard joy in Declan's voice. "Declan? For the first time in centuries, you sound genuinely happy." Bhaltair wanted this for his friend. Declan had been good to him, the only loyal friend he'd ever known. He had watched Declan search for this woman for centuries, refusing to settle for anything but her.

"It's indescribable Bhaltair. She's absolutely amazing and she's feisty. You know how I love a good challenge!" Declan was smiling ear to ear. He was just glad no one was there to see it.

"Calling her 'challenging' is definitely an understatement. Stay with her Declan. Make it work. You've waited an eternity for her. I've got things under control here."

"You're the best friend a vampire could have Bhaltair, truly." Declan didn't like putting everything on Bhaltair's shoulders, but he was the only one who could be trusted to keep the ship a float.

"As are you Declan. Be well. I'll talk with you soon."

Declan hung up the phone. After making several more phone calls he checked on Rowan. She'd been asleep for ten hours, and she was still dead to the world. He covered her up again, threw more logs on the fire and proceeded into the kitchen. It had been a long time since he'd cooked a meal, but he wanted to cook for her. He busied himself, making comfort food for her. It was lunch time so he decided to try his hand at homemade macaroni and cheese with barbecued chicken, coleslaw and biscuits.

Just as he was putting the biscuits in the oven Rowan's scream shook the house. He literally flew to her side. She wasn't awake, but her eyes were open and glowing brightly.

"Rowan, can you hear me?" Her body was stiff as a board, but she wasn't focused on him. Her eyes were focused on something he couldn't see. She wasn't awake. Declan was positive she was having a dream or a premonition. He'd heard that some powerful sorcerers had their premonitions while they slept. Maybe Rowan had that ability? She was in a trance, silent and unmoving. After a few minutes, her body relaxed, her eyes dimmed, and then closed. She fell limp against him. He laid her back down on the sofa and covered her to keep her warm.

He wondered WTF had just happened, and what would happen if she were in the tub or some other dangerous situation when one of these premonitions came on. Would she wake up if her face went under the water, or would she drown? He decided he needed to talk to a sorcerer to learn more about her. Someone he could trust.

Shit, he didn't trust any of them, but if he picked someone from her family, they would work with him to protect her. He could speak with Boone or Deisha. Deisha may not be excited about helping him but she damn sure would help her niece. That much he knew.

He headed outside to his covered porch to take the chicken off the grill. Smelling the barbecue sauce did nothing for him. This was something he'd never tasted when he was human, but everyone he knew that ate it raved about it. He hoped she would, too.

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