Aadhira rolls her eyes at him and again turns towards the window, she keeps muttering to herself "Okay!!.. is he even serious.. Okay!!.. Okay is all that comes out of his mouth after I express my excitement!!.. Godd!! What were you thinking while tying me to this man.. I know what you would have thought.. this girl speaks too much.. asks me too much.. I should trouble her a little.. I must tie her to someone who speaks less so she will also stop speaking.. that's what you thought na.. but it's not happening.. see Krishna ji I'm going to trouble you more.. you are going to hear more complaints from me.."

They soon reach home, it had already started to snow, she had asked him to stop the car but he had refused saying "No if it increases we won't be able to reach home..". She understands and they drive to reach home soon. Once they reach home she gets down and runs into the snow. Aadhira keeps running around in the snow, Karthik looks at her "Aadhira please come inside.. its too cold you will fall sick..". Aadhira just ignores him and keeps running around their house enjoying the snow.

She tries to catch the snowflakes and keeps giggling seeing the snow melt once it falls on her hand. Karthik goes behind her "Aadhira.. atleast wear some woolen clothes to keep you warm.. then you can come out". Aadhira pouts looking at him "Please", he melts just like the snow as soon as it hits his hand. He lets her play in the snow for sometime admiring her from afar.

He again goes near her "Aadhira enough.. come lets go inside.. you will fall sick.. and moreover its your first time in this cold weather.. come inside". She was still not ready to listen to him and keeps running around. In the next couple of seconds she was lifted off the ground and was thrown over his shoulder, she shouts at him "What the.. let me down.. What are you doing.. how could you do this..".

She keeps hitting with her hands on his back "Leave me.. uhhh.. this is called as kidnapping.. leave me.. uhh.. youuu.. I will shout". He just shakes his head and takes her inside the house and puts her down "if you don't listen this is what I will do.. now go put on some warm clothes". She turns her face away from his "Huhh!! Jealous Do... Aa.. aa.. aaacchoo", he turns towards her "See I told you na don't play in the snow you will fall sick.. see you already started sneezing.. now I have to take care of you".

She looks away from him "Its okay.. don't worry I can take care of myself.. you won't have anything to worry about.. nor am I expecting anything from you.. and it was just one sneeze.. I can take care of myself". He looks at her "Aadhira.. I..", she looks at him "No need to explain anything.. I won't ask you anything Karthik.. till now I haven't.. even in the future I won't.. and I can take care of myself.. so please.. I don't need any false hopes in this relationship.. you have already made yourself clear".

She walks off to her room while he was standing in the living room looking at her walking off to her room. He didn't know why his heart pricked at her words, she had only repeated what he had said to her but hearing the same words from her caused an uneasy feeling in his heart.

He goes inside his room, he looks at himself in the mirror, why do I have to mess up everything.. Godd!! All this is my fault.. I hurt her again.. you and your stupid jealousy Karthik.. how could you.. you were not able to face her because of that since the past two days.. such an idiot.. what is her fault in all this you idiot.. and why is 'I love Navya.. I don't need you' your go to statement when you want to hurt her..

I wish there was a way I could go back and change everything that I said to her that day.. she thinks I don't care about her.. I don't need her.. I'm sorry Aadhu.. you are the only person I need. He sits on his bed holding his head "How am I going to convince her.. apologise to her.. I'm sorry Aadhu.. I really am.. you aren't even letting me close to you now.. My jealousy is the root cause of all this..

Why did I even get jealous in the first place when she had let me know all about her feelings for me on our first date.. I should just bang my head somewhere.. if only I had thought before speaking that day...

Flashback begins..

2 days ago..

Karthik had gone to pick up Aadhira from the hotel. He was waiting for her outside, she comes out of the hotel talking with someone. The man looked familiar to Karthik, he sees Aadhira smiling at him. He thinks maybe he is her colleague and ignores it, Aadhira was smiling and talking to him.

Aadhira brings the man towards Karthik "Mr.Nair this is my husband Dr.Karthik Reddy.. Karthik this is my boss.. and potentially my future investor". Karthik remembers that he is the man for whom she had probably acted as if she was two timing someone. Arun smiles at Karthik "Hello Dr.Reddy.. You are my mom's cardiologist.. Wow Aadhira!! I didn't know you are his wife.. anyway congratulations Dr.Reddy.. one lucky man you are".

Karthik gives him a small smile "Nice to meet you too Mr.Nair", his heart burns with jealousy remembering about his love and liking towards Aadhira yet she was working for him. Arun leaves from there, Aadhira smiles at Karthik and climbs into the car. Karthik too gets in, Aadhira looks at Karthik smiling continuously "Karthik do you have to go to the hospital or you will stay at home".

Karthik looks out of the window and starts driving as his heart keeps pricking with the building jealousy and sudden feeling of insecurity "I'll be late.. don't wait for me", he just turns in the driveway and leaves even before Aadhira could say a 'bye' to him

Tied by Destiny (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now