Epilogue - Jack & Zhao Zi

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Jack is lying on the couch, waiting for his lover who hasn't returned home even though it's so late after 10pm. However, Jack is also accustomed to waiting up for Zhao Zi.

In the army, the strict regimen of training gave him unimaginable skills. Put nicely, it was to protect the country and its citizens, but put in perspective, he was simply a killing machine trained for a long time under the army. Under his commander's order he had to kill, the only difference is that when you do it in the name of your country, it's not considered illegal, but in the end, he was still a machine that simply listened to orders. To live or to die, to be valued or cast aside, this was all dependent on your superiors, and you also had to watch out for what they thought of you.

"How boring," the man lying on the couch remarked, thinking about his past.

Since he was going to kill anyway, why not let him choose his target? And that was how he left the army and chose the high-risk career path of a mercenary, to be hired by a buyer at high prices, and time after time in each battle, he escaped the grim reaper's axe.

Jack closes his eyes, breathing in the air in the house.

In the past, the air that he breathed was filled with either smoke and sulphur or the coppery tang of blood leaving a body. Now, around him all he smells is the aroma of food.

Unconsciously, Jack slips into sleep and a dream, but is forced to revisit his past. In his dreams he hears the sound of a bullet being fired from a gun, hears the loud explosions echo, hears the signs of people, one after another, falling and never getting up, hears the sound of blood gushing from a gunshot wound. Just as he thought that he could escape and finally be free.

"I really want a place that I can return to," he sighs.


Although the sound of the key entering the keyhole and the main door opening is very soft, Jack, an ex-mercenary who is used to being on high alert always, still startles.

Jack's eyes snap open suddenly, and he looks at his surroundings in a mixture of fear and wariness, until he's sure that he's lying on the couch in the living room. Only then does he straighten, his entire back drenched in cold sweat.

"Hehe, you're not asleep yet?"

The smell of alcohol is strong on Zhao Zi, and holding onto his noisily clinking set of keys, he laughs and looks at his lover, who often waits on the couch for him to come back.

"You had to put in overtime again?"

Zhao Zi's nose scrunches up as he shakes his head, "No, I went out for drinks with Ah Fei and Jun Wei."

"Did you have a good time?"

"Hnn, I did."

Zhao Zi removes his shoes and moves over to sit right next to Jack, then leans his entire body against the man's shoulder. He adjusts himself until he's most comfortable.

"Liang Dian, hehe, Fang Liang Dian is so huge."

Only at this time, acting all cute would Zhao Zi call him by his birth name. Zhao Zi happily reaches out to caress Jack's abdominal muscles.

"Hey! You really have some fetish for this huh?" Jack does not know whether to laugh or cry as he says this, and even though he doesn't mind being sexually harassed in various forms by the shorty, it feels a little different tonight for some reason.

Why is Zhao Zi's hand starting to move towards that somewhere?*

Zhao Zi swallows and looks at the area that is beginning to have some reaction with his touch, "It's hard, huge... and a little hot."**

HISTORY3: Trapped | NovelWhere stories live. Discover now