Chapter Six

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Chapter 6


Tang Yi and Dao Yi both sprint into the emergency room and see Jiang Jin Tang, who's wrapping up Hong Ye's wounds.

"Hong Ye!"

"Ah Yi?"

Tang Yi rushes forward immediately and hugs Hong Ye, who's sitting up in the hospital bed.

"How is she?"

As he's treating her wounds, Dr Jiang explains the situation, "There are a few abrasions, I've already prescribed some medicine for that. And because we are afraid that she may have a concussion from trauma to the head, so we've also done a brain MRI, and now we're waiting for the report to come out."

Realising that Hong Ye was mostly fine, both men release huge sighs, relieved. Dao Yi's tightly clenched fist at his side also relaxes gradually.

"That gun was just pointing at us... I was really scared, my mind just went blank-"

A nurse comes over with swift steps and goes over to Dr Jiang's side, and reports, anxious, "Dr Jiang, the other patient has been wheeled into the operating theater, Dr Zheng hopes that you can go over right now."

"Okay, I'm going now."

Dr Jiang's expression is somber, and just as he's about to turn to leave, Tang Yi grabs onto his arm.

"Is it Meng Shao Fei?"

"Gunshot wound to the abdomen, his Glasgow coma score is 3♯."

The man wearing his doctor's robes answers, then moves Tang Yi's hand off of his arm, before following the nurse quickly into the operating theatre. The doors of the emergency room slide open once again, revealing Captain Shi and the rest of Team 3, who were informed about Shao Fei's injury earlier. Their expressions all reflect panic and worry - even Yu Qi's eyes are red, and she's obviously cried a few times on the way here.

Captain Shi rushes straight for the desk and grabs onto the nearest nurse to ask, "Meng Shao Fei, where's Officer Meng?"

"Officer Meng was shot in the abdomen, he's currently still in surgery."

Standing on the side, Zhao Zi is unable to hide his panic either and asks, anxious, "How did he get shot?"

"We're not very sure either. Please wait at the side, and don't obstruct the way into the emergency room."

Captain Shi looks up, about to find a place to sit, when he sees a particular someone in the waiting area. He walks forward angrily, and without saying a word, Captain Shi directly slams his fist on the other's face.

"Tang Yi! I agree to let Ah Fei protect you, but he's not for you to use as a shield for bullets! Why did this happen? Why?"

Blaming himself for it all, Tang Yi does not resist - his eyes do not land on Captain Shi even once, and his expression is so cold and distant that he almost looks like a nonchalant outsider. Only those who know him well like Hong Ye and Dao Yi understand, that the man in front of them is in a state of absolute fury.

"Tang Yi you listen carefully, you better pray that nothing happens to Shao Fei, otherwise I won't stand on ceremony and will arrest you to the police station!"

"Boss, don't be like this! Boss!"

Zhao Zi and Jun Wei hold onto the captain's arms on each side, and drag the fuming man away from the emergency room, that is packed with plenty of other patients and their family members. The last one to walk in is Ah Zhi. Right before he leaves, he turns and sends Ah De a look at the doors to the emergency room. Ah De subtly shakes his head at him, before turning his gaze back to Tang Yi seated in the plastic chair and who is staring straight ahead.

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