Chapter Four

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Chapter 4

  The music festival period is upon them and this is also usually when drug dealing becomes more rampant, and the drug dealer nicknamed Big K will be proceeding with a huge transaction in a well-known bar. Team 3 is in charge of this case, and under Captain Shi's orders, all of Team 3's members are undercover as bartenders, customers and janitors in the bar, waiting for the opportunity to arrest Big K.

Inside the bar, the dance floor is filled with many men and women dancing and moving their bodies to the heavy EDM beats, and some of them are even intimately dancing in each other's space, gyrating their bodies against one another. Shao Fei, forced to wear a couple shirt with a frog printed on it by Yu Qi, dances with uncoordinated with movements, his attention preoccupied with supervising the bar's every corner.

Suddenly, Shao Fei pauses in all his movements, glaring at the darts area next to the dance floor.

"Did you find our target?" Captain Shi, in charge of today's operation, asks Shao Fei through their communication ear-pieces, thinking that his team member found something.

"No," Shao Fei responds, his eyes trained on Xing Tian Meng's leader, who's currently playing darts at the machines with a beautiful man.

At the darts area, both men are chatting and laughing, their actions overly intimate.

"I want to know who's the person who attacked me."

"You're asking me to work the moment you get here. We haven't seen each other in so long, don't you miss me?" pouts Andy with his hands locked around the back of Tang Yi's neck, wearing a black lace shirt that leaves his muscles and skin visible and which exposes most of his chest.

"You sure you want me to visit often?" Tang Yi asks.

Andy hits at Tang Yi's chest lightly and whines, "Forget it. Every time you visit, trouble follows."

The music in the bar suddenly switches from EDM to a slow tempo-ed jazz piece, and the sound of the saxophone, filled with an air of temptation and also turning the atmosphere on the dance floor into something more flirty.

Yu Qi, pressed against Shao Fei's front, seizes the opportunity to hug the senior she has had a crush on for several years now, and smiles to herself, delighted. Just as she is about to take advantage of the sensual atmosphere to ask Shao Fei if he has anyone he likes right now, she sees a familiar someone standing on the other side of the dance floor.

Yu Qi watches the two men slow-dancing with their hands circling each other's waists, and stunned, she opens her mouth, "It's actually Tang Yi? Looks like that gossip is real."

"What gossip?"

"The one that says Tang Yi has many lovers and is very popular, and..." Yu Qi moves to the tips of her toes until she's right next to Shao Fei's ear, and enunciates, "He doesn't discriminate between men and women!"

On the dance floor, Andy suddenly remembers something and so he presses himself against Tang Yi's chest and says quietly, "Oh right... Chen Wen Hao just met with a broker."

"I know."

"You know? Who told you?"

The almost-naked man is actually approximately 190cm tall, but he's more attractive than most women and looking at Tang Yi, who's smiling before him, Andy bites at his right ear, pretending to be angry.

"You playboy! Who is it this time? Is he better than I am?"

"No, he absolutely cannot compare to you," his seductive gaze moves past Andy's shoulder, and he looks toward Shao Fei who's holding another girl against him, but staring straight at him. "That person is impulsive, stubborn and destructive, but.... He's okay."

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