Chapter ??? - Audio Transmission[Redacted]

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Begin audio transmission 83[Redacted]970[Redacted]-T1 :

There was another invasion from the Nightmare Terror Dimension. I've given a petition to change their name. It feels weird to say it every time I have to record an Audio Log.

This was another failed invasion, fortunately. But we were able to gather large amount of useful data from the remains.

If the files we have recovered are correct, then all the 97 failed invasions have been accidental.

I know. Shocking, right? 97 accidental invasions. Almost every single one destroying hundreds of [Redacted]

According to the files, the denizens of Nightmare Terror Dimension have been trying to gather information on 'lesser world'. Occasionally, these attempts at gathering information may cause small cracks in realities and part of their dimension may leak into our world.

So far, there have been only two planned invasions and both of them almost wiped out our universe. 

Rest of the files are pretty random, just like the others. When someone tries to send a message from the accidentally invasions, only part of the warning remains, and the rest is swapped with random pieces on knowledge.

These random pieces can be pretty useful sometimes, like the anti-matter bombs.

The information we translated this time has two completely unrelated parts, but both of them can be really useful.

First, a world called Teyvat.

It, just like our world, is capable of acting like a hub between world and we are planning on sending a few members for [Redacted]

Currently the world is in a fairly peaceful time, with the most recent cataclysm being the fighting between three moon sisters.

The 'Crimson moon' seems to have won the battle and the 'Abyssal moon' has been banished to some unknown part of the world. As for the third sister, the 'Welkin moon', she was killed during the battle and became corrupted.

Now she's known as the 'Eclipsed moon', and has been trying to take over the 'Crimson moon'.

This had made the world greatly unstable and it got split between 4 timelines. 

We're going to link the corruption to [Redacted] to prevent it from spreading to ours by accident.

As for the second part. There is a high chance that a larger and full scale invasion is coming soon.

The Nightmare Terror Dimension is becoming more unstable and they will try to take over [Redacted] to save themselves.

We're hoping to complete Project [Redacted] before the invasion to have a way to escape, in case we're overwhelmed.

Ending Audio Transmission 83[Redacted]970[Redacted]-T1.


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