Archon's sin chapter 1 - Morax

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Not related to the main story or hangouts. These are like world quests. What point has the story progressed to? I'd say that at least the Inazuma quest have finished. Rest of the things aren't necessary. 

Just for this chapter - 

Italics - Thinking

Normal - Narrator

Bold - Gods thinking

[] - Game elements (for readers only)

"Normal" - Talking


Aether POV - 

I was returning to Liyue harbor after completing a commission when it started to rain. I found an old ruin and went inside to hide from the rain.

I found some hilichurls hiding too but I was able to convince them to let me stay. Asmoday teaching me their language sure was useful.

I went deeper in the ruins to stay away from them when the floor collapsed and I fell down.

[World quest - A stranger's regret]

The fall wasn't too long and I wasn't hurt. I found some wood and made a small torch.

These seemed to be even older ruins that were covered by soil.

Some exploration later I found an old table-chair next to a ley-line opening.

Looks like whatever happened here was similar to Tsurumi island.

I sat on the chair and an old diary spawned on the table. I touched it and everything went dark.


3rd person POV - 

Aether's consciousness was sent into the diary. When he opened his eyes he was able to see everything in 3rd person. He didn't know what to do so he started exploring.

The people didn't notice him, just like Tsurumi and he found some high ground to observe the country.

He concentrated and information from the diary started flowing into his brain.

This was an old nation near Liyue harbor next to an ancient god. This god was able to survive the archon war because his body was literally a giant volcano that gained divinity over thousands of years.

The people who worshipped him prospered because of the heat provided by the magma and water from geysers.

Their technology wasn't as advanced as Khaenri'ah but they were quite advanced. This allowed them to exist as an independent nation near Liyue and they used the body of their god for various purposes.

The god didn't mind at first. He allowed the humans to access the magma and rare minerals inside him, and they offered various things in return at a leyline opening near the volcano's base.

The leyline transformed these into energy for the god to use.

One day a child accidentally found another leyline opening, one that was essentially the god's consciousness. They didn't know what it was but they decided to offer some fruits they found to it.

The god was surprised at first when a gift was offered directly to his soul and when he concentrated he found a small child sitting near the leyline, as if hoping for something to happen.

For the last time, I'm not the unknown god!!! (Genshin impact X male reader)Where stories live. Discover now