Chapter 26

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Myra watched as Avalar and Avalon left the throne room one night, seeming to be in the middle of a discussion before pausing as they noticed the Hybrid's presence. They smiled warmly at her even as they approached.

"Is Rose busy?" Myra asked, bowing her head politely. A gesture which the two of them quickly returned.

"We just finished speaking with her. I wouldn't say she's busy." Avalon answered.

"Perhaps concerned and stressed." Avalar agreed. "But not busy."

Myra nodded a bit, and the twins exchanged glances for a moment before looking back at her. "Is there something on your mind?"

"Well... I guess I'm just worried about how you guys feel about me." Myra scratched the back of her neck. "I know being a hybrid I'm probably going to be the cause of some horrible disaster or something so I can't imagine you two aren't worried."

They exchanged glances again before their warm smile returned completely. "Don't misunderstand Myra. You are not the cause of any disaster." Avalon stated.

"In the short time we've been here we've seen the socially awkward disaster that you are-"


"-And how everyone has told us of the kind heart you possess. From our understanding, the prophecy did not say you were to be the cause of a disaster. Instead, that a hybrid would mark the coming of one." Avalar finished. "Considering you've done nothing to instigate Agora and Zia's wrath besides being born, we can't put any blame on you."

"I don't know if that makes me feel better, but I guess I understand." Myra sighed.

"Agora and Zia are scared of you. Scared of the unknown and what you represent. Both of them are so set in their ways they can't even begin to comprehend change, and that's exactly what you are. You are change. You are the presence of something altogether new. The beginning of something that could completely change how we view our own world." Avalon continued. "It is a burden, but one you do not bare alone. Your friends and family are here to help you, and if Agora and Zia wish for a war then a war they shall get."

"You say that like we're not risking the lives of so many people." Myra continued. "I just... It's hard to think about. Everyone is talking about going to war just because Agora and Zia are scared of me. That's not... I guess it just doesn't feel fair. People are risking their lives to protect me without really getting to know me. I mean, they're looking at me like I'm supposed to be the future of our race and I just-"

"No one expects you to be the future." Avalar shook her head. "You are free to make your own decisions and actions as you see fit. No one is forcing you into anything of the sort."

"I just..."

"Relax." Avalar placed a hand on Myra's shoulder which got the hybrid to flinch at the contact. She was expecting the cold touch of a vampire but instead there was a living warmth to her touch. A warmth that erased her fear and anxiety in a matter of seconds. Myra blinked up at her curiously before realizing what had happened. "You need only worry about you. Leave the politics to those who can spare the time for it. Practice with your sword should you ever need to fight, but enjoy the childhood that you have while it lasts. If you'd like to sit in on our conversations your welcomed to, but don't think we're fighting for you. We're perfectly content standing with you against a couple of idiots who are too stupid to do anything by themselves."

"How did you do that?" Myra asked, gently placing her hand over Avalar's which was still resting on her shoulder.

Avalar seemed to recoil like she realized she had done something wrong but Myra held her hand in place. "I'm sorry, I didn't even think about it. I just reacted."

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