Chapter 25

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Myra found herself enamoured with Alexis's sketches. She flipped through the Shade's sketch book from where they were seated on Myra's bed with Myra sitting up against the headboard, and Alexis laying on her side facing her. The Shade watched Myra's expressions as she looked over all the drawings in the sketchbook.

I'm surprised you don't just hang them up somewhere. Emerald teased Myra in their shared mind.

That would be weird if I just started hanging up all Alexis's drawings in my room Emma. Myra retorted.

"It's so weird watching you speak to Emerald in your head." Alexis noted.

"What? How do you know?" Myra asked, setting the sketchbook on her lap as she looked over at the Shade who looked like she could fall asleep any second.

"You make expressions as if you're having a conversation, but your mouth doesn't move. You knitted your eyebrows together, so I assume she's annoying you somehow." Alexis offered.

Myra chuckled. "I guess you're pretty observant."

"I have an eye for detail."

Myra held the sketchbook up and gave it a small shake. "I never would have guessed." She turned her head back to the drawing on the page. "You're a really good artist."

"Thank you."

"Seriously though. You're really, really good. Have you ever thought of doing a bigger piece?"

"I'm not exactly a well known artist of any kind. No one would buy one of my canvasses." She shrugged.

"Now, that's not true at all. I would certainly buy one. Hell, I know Emma was teasing me about putting up your sketches, but I kind of want to." Myra chuckled. "They're that good."

Alexis scoffed. "Yeah right."

"I'm serious!" Myra assured her. "Have you painted before?"

Alexis shrugged. "I usually just draw in pencil or charcoal sketches. I suppose I could try painting something."

"I could have Kat bring you an easel for your room."

"You don't have to do that." Alexis shook her head.

"Of course I don't have to. But that's not the point."

"Myra, seriously it's fine."

Myra chuckled. "If you don't want me to I won't. But it's not like it's any trouble."

"I can go out and get one once it's safer to leave the castle." Alexis told her. "You don't have to get me things you know."

"I know I don't have to."

"But you want to anyway?"

"I do." Myra laughed again getting Alexis to push her playfully before the hybrid flipped the page in the sketchbook to look at the next set of drawings. Of course this one got Myra's attention, as it was a perfect sketch of Myra and Kira dueling out in the fields behind the castle. But the detail was perfect, down to the cuts across their faces and bodies, and the small splatters of blood across their clothing. Even the shadows that flowed across their bodies from their shades was visible in this sketch.

Myra was in mid swing with her sword raised, and it appeared that Kira was somewhere between a dodge and a dash. It looked as though she had just stepped back and was now in the process of adjusting her weight forward with her daggers drawn. It was in such beautiful detail that Myra could almost see the action her mother was making. She could see the concentration on both her own face and her mother's while they were in the middle of that duel.

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