Yerlec delivers the thug to the precinct and heads to his home to check up on Raditz. Over the course of the last year, Yerlec has upheld his promise of putting Raditz through hell. His training was strict and grueling to the point that one might categorize it as torture. Nevertheless, Raditz could feel the fruits of his labor, he felt a great deal stronger then before and learned how to sense energy as well as conceal his own thanks to  Yerlec's teachings. He even managed to work through his own cowardice. He was still a cautious fighter to be sure, but he has grown far more confident on the battle field. Many times has Yerlec expressed how proud he was of Raditz's growth, an acknowledgment he never knew he wanted until it was received, and dedicated himself to keeping up the pace.

Upon returning home, he sees Raditz indulging himself in light exercise outside before the latter senses his presence. Ceasing his activity, he offers a brief salute before engaging in conversation.

Raditz: Yerlec, how goes it?

Yerlec: It goes well Raditz. I'm just about to get changed out of uniform and do some light training of my own.

Just as he said, Yerlec changes into his own saiyan armor and meets back up with Raditz.

Yerlec: That's better. Now then, shall we have a light spar to begin with? Perhaps afterwards we can-

Before Yerlec can continue, he is interrupted by an earth-shaking explosion. When the explosion dies down a few moments later, Yerlec and Raditz assess the situation.

Raditz(Shocked): W-what was that explosion just now!? I felt the force of it from here!

Yerlec: Not just that. Over there in the east, earlier I could sense its citizens. Now most, if not all of their lives, were snuffed out. Only two energies remain,  perhaps those saiyans you spoke of have arrived as you predicted.

Raditz: I guess so. I was hoping I was just jumping to conclusions back then. But I guess this is happening. Should we get going Captain?

Yerlec(Stern): Indeed we should. Hopefully we can meet up with the others on the way, and we should make it quick, it seems like they're on the move. That being said ... you don't have to join you know. I'm aware of how apprehensive you are about meeting these two, let alone fighting them.

Raditz's gaze dropped to the ground, contemplating his next words.

Raditz: ...I appreciate the gesture, but I won't be backing down from this. It's been a long time coming that I confront those two, to show them that I'm not the weakling they once knew. Not only that, but in the short time I've been on this planet I've come to see it as my new home. I refuse to let them destroy it for any reason! If I can protect it I will!

Yerlec: ... *chuckles* Well said, lets move!

With a nod, both Raditz and Yerlec make their way towards the two moving power levels until they come to a stop. Upon reaching their destination they see some familiar faces, namely Tien, Chiaotzu, Krillin, Yamcha, Piccolo and Gohan, the latter two of which Yerlec is only just meeting.

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