Trust (Akaaaaashiiii)

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cw: established relationship, partying and drinking so alcohol mention, but dw they're sober by the time sexy stuff happens lul! oh & semi DUI? like he's not plastered but he did have a drink so if that triggers u pls skip this chapter
oh and uh this isn't timeskip but an AU where they go to college instead of high school since drinking isn't reallly age appropriate

"Don't worry, Keiji-kun. It's just a quick stop and then we can head home, okay?" You beg your boyfriend after a night out.

The rest of the guys were throwing a party, and Bokuto would not stop calling him. Akaashi had a disinterest in regular college things like parties. The two of you would normally spend your weekends together when you could, and he looked forward to the times where the team didn't have a Saturday morning practice.

Tonight marked the end of their Summer training camp. A handful of rambunctious boys from all the schools that participated put together the idea of a late-night soiree of sorts. Third years would be purchasing alcohol, and of course there were precautions set up for the less courageous ones; either spend the night there or take a carpool ride to the dorms before it got too late.

They were going to gather at Bokuto's house, whose parents were still on vacation out of the prefecture, and weren't set to come back for another week, right when school would start again. Many passed, the threat of getting caught by surrounding families worried them. That's how Bokuto ended up with ten of the players in his house, having a bros night. Some brought their girlfriends, like Kuroo for example, but for the most part everyone was simply chilling in the Bokuto household with obscene amounts of alcohol in them.

"Okay, but if they start getting too rowdy, we're leaving." He replied, turning his signal on and making the turn before his street to drive a few blocks down and park outside Kotaro's house.

You were nervous on the ride there from the amusement park, but you and Keiji had such a great evening that you didn't want the night to end. If it meant sucking it up and taking a few shots in place of your DD, so be it.
The hangout wasn't loud at all, save for the guys yelling every so often during a super smash bros showdown.

When Kotaro opened the door, he beamed at the dark haired boy with rosy cheeks— clearly intoxicated. "AKAA—!"

"SHHHH." You and Keiji shushed the drunk young man before he woke up the entire neighbourhood. He chuckled as he facepalmed.

"Right, I forgot, we gotta be sne- hic -sneaky!" He said. "Come in, come in. Yo, (Name)-chan, you drinking tonight? Or will you be driving lil Keiji-san home?"

"She's going to be taking drinks for me, but if she says she's good: You better not try to goad her on." Keiji's voice was low, threatening his hyper best friend while you entered the house.

Kotaro threw his hands up in defense, "O-Okay, hic! , okay! She's go— hic! —od in hands."

"You mean in good hands?" You giggle, pushing him playfully. He stumbled exaggeratedly, making a show of your 'abuse'.

"Damn, Ke-Keiji you let her bully me like this?" He sucks his teeth as he disappeared in the kitchen. You waved at the guys you knew, and smiled when you laid eyes on Kuroo's girlfriend. She was nice enough, and not a complete ditz like Tetsurou's typical fling.

Kotaro returned with your first drink of the night, and you eyed Akaashi with a grin before downing the whole thing.

"Oh-hoo shiiiiit!" Bokuto exclaimed. "Bro, she's a savage."

Keiji shook his head at the both of you, "You say that everytime. I know she is." He says before grabbing you by the hand and taking you into the kitchen for a refill.

And they were Roommates... (nsfw) self insertWhere stories live. Discover now