'Oh! Umm! Sorry!' Jack exclaimed while immediately covering his eyes.

'How long have ya been standin there!?' I asked while narrowing my eyes at him.

'Umm like one minute! Seriously not long at all!' He continued to flailing about while hiding his bright red face.

'Aghh! Ya should've said somethin instead of sneakin into ma room and silently watchin me while I'm naked!' I squealed while punching him in the arm.

'Ow! No no no! I didn't! Like I said I just got here! I just climbed into the window when you saw me. I didn't even realise you were in a towel until you yelled at me!' Jack explained while rubbing his arm and giving me a was that necessary expression. It quickly faded when he noticed my wet face and hair.

'Oh... You're still wet.' He stated while rubbing his thumb over my forehead, wiping away a droplet of water.

'Umm...' I mumbled while slightly loosing myself in his fixed gaze.

He's eyes are so deep and so crystal blue! They were so beautifully hypnotizing! It made me feel weak at the knees and pink in the face.

We silently stood there for a moment just staring deep into each others eyes. Jack was the first to break our stare by scanning and analyzing every drop of water on my face and continued tracing his eyes down until they met with the top of the towel that was tucked down between my breasts.

The towel accidentally slipped a little bit more down, showing most, but not all, of the dripping skin on my chest.

Jack's firm gaze had made me blush and my chest became unintentionally flushed. I feel like I should shove him away, but instead all I wanted to do was kiss him.

I don't know why I did it, but I leaned forwards and made our lips touch.

'Hmm' Jack moaned as our lips pressed harder against each other. He obviously wasn't quite thinking straight when he accidentally let his eyes wander, and the kiss was more than enough to snap him back into reality.

His hands slid up my moist neck and wove themselves into my damp hair. I found my arms wrapping around his neck, but as soon as I did that, my towel loosened and dropped to the floor.

We immediately stopped kissing and stood there awkwardly with our eyes closed.

'Umm...' I mumbled while noticing Jack's chuckle. I opened my eyes and saw he still had his firmly shut.

'Don't you dare open 'em!' I order while taking a step back from him.

'Don't worry, I won't.' He reassured me and squinted his eyes shut tighter.

I wonder how long it would take before he crumbles and sneaks a peek at my naked body. The towel was at his feet and since he didn't wear shoes, he could feel that it was still there.

'Hold still. Do. Not. Open. Them' I whisper slowly while kissing him on the lips. I quickly but silently walked into the bathroom to get dressed.

'Umm! Romie?!' Jack squealed before having to hold his hand over his eyes to force himself not to open them. His whole face was bright red and I couldn't help but notice the bulge growing in his skin tight pants.

'Oh Jack, what am I gonna do with you?' I sigh while grabbing his wrists and kissing him on the nose. 'You can open them now.' I said while repeatedly poking him in the face until he hesitantly opened them.

'Oh thank the moon!' Jack exclaimed while glaring at me with embarrassment.

'What?!' I laughed while picking up the towel.

Heatstroke (Jack Frost, Rise of the Guardians, Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now