Into Town

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Luisa comes out of the bedroom in her signature dress. It hugs her hips in just the right way, and her skirt spreads out as she turns. She walks over to you as you are just finishing up drying the dishes.

"Where do these go."

"I'll do it, you can't reach as well."

"This again? Just tell me where they go."

"I'm telling you Y/N, you won't be able to reach it."

"And I'm asking you, where they go." You say with a gritted smile.

"Up there, good luck." She points up to the top shelf of a high cabinet.

"I don't need luck, I have skill."

You hop onto the counter and slowly stand as you try to steady yourself. You place the dishes on the shelf right before you start to lose your balance. Luisa rushes over to make sure you don't fall.

You put your hand out to her as you steady yourself once more. She obviously doesn't believe you'll be okay, but you're a strong independent young waman who desperately needs a strong wife.

She holds her arms out just in case you slip again. You squat down a bit before getting an idea.

"Catch me!" You squeal, tossing yourself into her arms. Luisa grabs you with a panicked look on her face.

"Warn me! Please!" She huffs.

"I did, but even if I didn't I'm sure you'd still be there for me." You look up at her and smile.

She's holding you bridal style. She turns to lead you to the bedroom and tosses you town on the bed.

"Get changed, we have to head into town."

You lay there, sprawled out for a second before you sit up, your shirt sliding over exposing your shoulder and a lil cleavage. She stares for a second as her face reddens a bit. Suddenly she snaps back to reality after seeing the smirk on your face.

"J-just get dressed!" She runs out of the room slamming the door.

You you chuckle to yourself before pulling your extra clothes out of your bag. Now that it's morning it's gotten pretty hot out. Luisa's long sleeve shirt is practically melting you. You pull out your skirt and top and start changing.

Once you are done you step out to find Luisa gathering up your paint supplies. She's very delicately placing every item in its respective spot in your studio kit.

"Your done! I figured you wouldn't want to just leave this out here since we might not be back for a day or so." She says sheepishly rubbing the back of her head.

"It's no problem. You ready?"

"Yep, do you have everything?"

"I think- oh no wait! My bag is still inside! I'll run and grab it really quick."

"Alright, but hurry back!"

You run inside to grab your bag, purposely leaving your sunflower skirt in Luisa's closet. 'If she ever comes back without me, it'll give her an excuse to come see me!' You run out of the hut to Luisa.

"Okay, now I'm ready."

"You sure?"


"Great, let's go!"

She begins walking a bit, taking your bag from you as you walk. You grab it right back and pull.

"Hey! I can carry this! I promise you don't have to help me."

"But I want to! You kept me company out here."

"Nope, and I'll take my art kit too." You say, grabbing the kit from her hands.

"Oh come on, you have to let me carry something." She whines.

"Nope, you are about to spend the day helping people. I can carry my own stuff into town. It isn't even that heavy." You show off, lifting both the items above your head.

As you lift them, you see Luisa smirk for a second, an idea forming in her head. She grabs your sides and hoists you over her shoulder.

"H-HEY! What are you try- doing!" You shake out, a bit frazzled.

"You won't let me carry your stuff, so I'll just carry you." She confidently explains.

"That's not how this works you know! Luisa! Set me down!" You yell out. It's very obvious you're joking as you can't stop laughing.

"Hmmm, nope!" She decides.

"....can I at least be held in a more comfortable way? I can feel the blood rushing to my head."

She shifts you around until you are set up on her shoulders. You are now very warm and flustered at the thought of her head between your thighs. 'Oh gosh. She just, set me up here! What am I supposed to do! I'm not complaining or anything, but she's right...there!'

Without thinking, you press your legs together a bit to hold on. Once you notice you look down to see a VERY red Luisa.

"Oh shoot! Sorry, I just don't want to fall."

"It's okay! You can always just lean on my head you know."


You slowly lean over and rest yourself on the top of Luisa's head.

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