The Clearing

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You turn to see it's Luisa, and if anything become more tense.

"Whoops! Sorry, I only wanted to startle you just a little."

"Yeah sure, a little. What are you doing out here?"

"I could ask you the same question"

"I was following you! No one sane leaves encanto!"

"Well, call me crazy but I do."


"Don't tell a soul, but out here I can truly relax! No one asking for favors I feel the need to conplete because no one can find me. I've actually got a little area up ahead, I'll show you!"

You notice her hands still around your hips as you talk, and one of them stays there as she pushes you along with her to a little clearing up ahead.

As you enter the clearing, you notice a small hut. Outside connected to two trees is a hammock. A fire pit lingers outside of the hut with a large stack of chopped wood next to it. There's a small stone path leading toward the hut, and there are flowers everywhere.

"Isa helped me with the flowers, only the kids of the family know about this place if there's an emergency" she says looking down at you.

Luisa slowly moves her hand off your waist and grabs you hand instead. She pulls you into the hut where you find a table with a few chairs. It has a small kitchen with cabinets and counters, but no stove. There's an ice box on the ground beside the wall. I'm a separate room is a bedroom complete with a queen sized bed and a closet with some of her clothes in it.

"It's so cozy in here!" You say with amazement.

"It's my home away from home," she says "a place I can get away. When chores get to be too much, I come out here to relax."

"You deserve it. Did you make this place yourself?"

"Yeah, with the help of my sisters. The others know where it is, but my sisters helped the most."

"That's so sweet!"

You notice she still hasn't let go of your hand. She has to bend down a bit just to even be able to reach your hand. Although it is nice, you don't want her to strain her neck for you. You lift your hand up more while trying to be cool about it. The last thing you want is for her to let go.

"I was thinking," she began, "I always see you painting on that hill, but maybe you'd like a change of scenery?"

"Yeah, that's actually exactly what I needed. Someplace different, something new."

"You can come here any time you like. Just make sure I know, like you said it is dangerous out here."

"Really!? That would be amazing, thank you!" You squeeze her hand. "Really. And I'll let you know whenever I'm out here. Although it'd probably be safer if you were here with me."

"True, although you should keep painting on that hill at times. Wouldn't want too many people to get suspicious."

"That makes sense, I wouldn't want to have to lie to anyone."

Suddenly, a rustle is heard from a nearby bush.

(AN: oh my gosh, I didn't think so many people would like this! Thank you all so much! I honestly started writing this late one night and didn't think it would take off. I promise I'll keep writing. I'm on break right now so I'll be able to get a lot out, but some time after New Years the posting will become a bit more spaced out. Again, thank you so much and I hope you've enjoyed it!)

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