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The next thing you know, you awake in Luisa's bed. You feel something heavy around you, and look up to see Luisa holding you in her arms. You immediately blush bright red and try to slowly pull away. But the more you pull, the tighter her grasp gets. As you lay there, practically immobile, you think about the best course of action.

'I should just pretend to be asleep, that way I won't wake her up, and she won't know that I know.' You think to yourself. 'But in the meantime...' you think, looking about up at her. You pull yourself into her embrace, her strong arms holding you tight.

You fall asleep again, not realizing that it wasn't yet morning, but was still the middle of the night. When you next woke up you were in the bed by yourself. You look out to see no one in the house. Rubbing the tiredness from your eyes, you step out to see Luisa cooking eggs over another fire.

"Hey! Good morning sleepy head!" She cheers out.

"Morning, I really passed out last night, huh."

"Like a light. I went to put you into bed and you practically had a death grip on me."

"By any chance, did I...pull you into bed?" You voice squeaks a bit which you blush at.

"Yeah actually, you just kinda opened up the covers for me."

'God help me' "oh gosh I'm so sorry. I woke up last night and saw you, I was afraid I did something like that."

"Hey no worries! It was a bit chilly last night so you kept me warm." She winks at you. You can feel the color rising in your cheeks as you huff a bit.

"Well good thing, couldn't let you freeze to death now can I?"

You sit down next to her and she hands you a plate with food on it and a fork. You begin eating while she continues to cook what looks like 6 eggs.

"So what's the plan for today?" You ask after swallowing.

"We have to head back into town, I've got chores and I'm assuming you do too."

"Unfortunately. I do not want to deal with donkeys today."

"You know you won't get any work done, right? My family is going to be all over you asking questions."

"At least I won't be bored."

You both finish your eggs and you reach out to grab Luisa's plate. She stares at you with an odd look of question on her face as you walk inside. She stands up and follows you in.

You begin to wash the dishes in the sink. Luisa comes up behind you. She places her hands on your shoulders and leans over to see what you are doing.

"Hey! You shouldn't be doing this. You a guest here."

"And you do all the work in town because your a guest?"

"Har har. But still! I should be taking care of you."

"Nope, you do too much. Like you said before, this is your safe space where you can relax. So go relax."


"No buts, except yours sitting down. Now out."

"Yes ma'am." She slouches as she walks out the door to go lay on the hammock. Before she makes her way over to it she sticks her head back in the door.

"But are you sure I can't-"

"Out! Go read a book or look at the sky. You have a busy day ahead of you."

"But that's only fun to do with youuu." She whines.

Butterflies fill you up from inside as you get a warm feeling.

"Fine. Go get ready for the day then. You're still in your pajamas."

"You're in mine too you know. I should clear out a drawer for you to keep stuff in."

'A drawer, she's clearing out a drawer. For me! She wants me to stay over again!!!'

"I do have some clothes I could keep here. That would be nice, thank you." You turn to her and say.

"Once I'm done you should get changed too. Although I will admit you look cute like that."

"You- go get ready!" You flick water at her.

"I'm going I'm going!"

A/N- thank you all for being patient! Finals and over, and I've got a three day weekend! One of the days I'm going to be super busy with show choir, but hopefully I'll be able to get some work done! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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