v. the fragile demetri.

Start from the beginning

"My whole life I've been, let's just say, less than popular. But at least I had a few friends. And then Cobra Kai comes to town, and next thing I know, my friends are taking karate and becoming alpha jerks. I'm literally being threatened by my best friend. I just wanted to show I could fight back."

Daniel took a step up, placing a hand on Demetri's shoulder, "I understand what you're going through. I do. But Miyagi-Do isn't about showing off. It's about self––"

"Self-defense. I know. Chuck said it already. The problem is, my "self" is too weak." Demetri walked off.

Chuck watched him, "You gotta help him. I know Demetri can be a bit... weird but he a sweet kid and he doesn't deserved to be picked on anymore."

Mr. Daniel nodded, watching Demetri.

AFTER PRACTICE, the gang headed to the mall for some lunch. Chuck was still in line with Demetri, waiting for his food. "So how long do you think it'll take me to learn?" Demetri asked but he didn't get a respond from Chuck who was watching Robby and Sam laughing. "Chuck!"

"Huh? What did you say?"

"I was asking if I should get a side of fries or tater tats." Demetri lied.

"Fries. Obvi." Chuck turned around, Demetri shook his container. "But you knew that already." He rolled his eyes at Demetri as they walked to the table.

They took a seat, Chuck ate a fries out of his container as listened to the other chat then Demetri shot up, "Wait. Is today Wednesday?"



"Yep." Chuck answered, eating a fries afterward.

"The new issue of Dungeon Lord came out." He shook up, "Um, do you guys want anything from the comic book store?" He asked.

"Um, no, thanks."

Samantha shook her head.

"Not really," Chuck answered, eating another fries.

"Okay! I'll be right back, make sure nobody throws away my chicken." Demetri ran off.

With Demetri gone, he couldn't bare watching Sam and Robby converse and laugh. He quickly stood up, getting ready to walk away but Robby stopped him.

"Where you going?"

"Um, bathroom." He thought quick on his feet, grabbing his container. "Be back." He walked away.

On his way to the bathroom, he could hear loud running and thing being knocked down but pushed the thought away and continued to the bathroom.

On cue, Sam jumped in and saved Demetri, kicking them off to the side. "You guys need to back off!"

"I don't wanna have to hit a girl." Hawk claimed.

"You wouldn't stand a chance." Robby stated, walking over.

Hawk scoffed, "Five against three? More like two and a half."

Give 'Em Hell, Robby Keene. ( Discontinued )Where stories live. Discover now