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"Oh my god he looks worse than yesterday." Usopp says. "Ok I'm seriously worried now. He can't even stay focus." Luffy said. Luffy stood up from the bar stool and yelled "Sanji! Just take the day off! You can't focus and do well like this." Luffy said.

Sanji in the kitchen with a cig in his mouth turned to look at him but was falling asleep standing up. "Usopp, let's go get Sanji and bring him to his apartment. He can't go on like that." Luffy said getting up from the bar.

Usopp followed him and caught the chef before he collapsed and turned everything off so nothing burns down.

They called for a taxi and got to his apartment helping him get into bed. "How did this happen? How are you not getting any sleep?" Luffy asks himself as he sits next to Sanji watching him sleep.

"You think maybe it could be some type of family thing?" Usopp asks. "No, definitely not. Remember Sanji hasn't been in contact with his family since then. After all the horrible stuff they did, wouldn't make sense why he'd go back to them. Anyways, let's not bring that up. You think Nami might know?" Luffy asks.

Usopp shrugs and pulls out his phone to dial her number. As they wait patiently and talk to Nami even she's not sure. "So you have no idea what could've caused this? Cause it seems like he hadn't slept in a little bit." There was a pause and Nami respond "I'm sorry, I don't know. Maybe ask Zoro, they have been hanging out sometime." She said.

The two guys looked at each other in shocked. "They have?" Usopp asked. "Yeah, Zoro has told me that they've been getting along recently." She said. There was another pause.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US?!?! Aren't we on the same team?! I see you just wanted to see their relationship grow all by yourself didn't you?!?" Usopp rambled in the phone. "YEAH! Not cool Nami!"

"Look I'm sorry I didn't tell you two but I have a job and I get busy. Also it seemed like when we would try it wouldn't always work. Now if you don't mind I'm in the middle of doing something. I can quickly give you Zoros number but then I'm ending this call ya hear?"

The men agreed and after getting Zoro number they called him. Nami said it was his day off so they thought he'd be available.

Zoro was actually act the gym working out and had to stop for his phone. "Unknown number. Should I pick it up or is it a scam?" Zoro answers it anyways. "Hello?" He said.

"Hello, is this Zoro?" The other end said. "Uh yeah. Who is this?" He ask. "You might of heard of us but it's Usopp and Luffy we go to sanji resturant...everyday." Usopp said.

"Oh yeah, sanji's friends. What do they want??" He thought. "Ok. Soooo what do you want from me?" He asked. "Well...sanji isn't doing so well. Apparently he hasn't slept well. We tried asking Nami but she said you'd know, it might know." Usopp says.

"He's not doing well? Shit, I guess this is my fault. I'm sorry about that. What's he doing right now?" Zoro asks.
"Oh, he's asleep right now. He wasn't able to work this morning so we took care of him. What exactly did you do that lead him to this Zoro?" Usopp asks.

Zoro sighs and apologizes again ending the call. "Did...I go to far? I think he's not sleeping cause of me and what I did the other night. Dammit, I guess....maybe give him some time so he can get better.." Zoro thought before continuing his workout and heading home for the day.

Meanwhile the two friends spent the rest of their time at San his place making sure he got enough rest. When sanji finally woke up they treated him special and did most things for him.

"Why about the restaurant?" Sanji asks. "It's okay bud. We took care of it and had you marked as off." Luffy said. "Idiots. But, thanks for helping out." Sanji smiled at them.

That night sanji was able to sleep well and in the morning starting fresh. He was outside for a minute for his cigarette and saw Zoro. "Hey Zoro!" Sanji said flashing a smile at him.

Zoro who was about to go inside the tattoo shop made eye contact with the chef, but didn't bother to say hi back. "That was weird. Maybe just not a morning person?" Sanji thought.

But he proved himself wrong. For the past week Zoro has been avoiding sanji. He worked later so they couldn't be on the same bus at night. Stopped going out to eat. "Maybe I was wrong before. Maybe he doesn't like me. Or maybe I did something wrong?.." Sanji thought as he looked through the parlor shop and saw the moss head working over time.

"Maybe...he needs some time." Sanji thought to himself as he got onto the bus on his way home.

While Zoro was sitting at his desk the bell on the door ringed. He looked up and saw Nami with a surprised expression. "Zoro? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be on the bus with sanji?" She asked.

"No, just uh...couldn't make it today. What are you doing here?" He asked. "I forgot to pick up my last pay...is there something going on?" She asks. "Like what?" He asks. "You look upset about something." She said while Zoro sighs.

"Zoro, you know you can talk to me right?" She asks. He looks at his papers for a second and rubs his head before speaking.

"I....ugh never mind it's dumb." Zoro says spinning in his chair to the other side his desk. "Zorooooo! Just tell me! I might be able to help." Nami whines.

Zoro gave her a some what of a doubtful look and says "Alright, uh..." he struggled.

His nerves started building up and were going over board. "Fuck it, I... I like the chef." Zoro mumbles. "You what??.." Nami asks. "I said I LIKE SANJI." Zoro yelled.

Nami sat speechless. Then all of a sudden jumps and leaps in circles and claps to herself. Zoro just doesn't know what to do.

"What are you doing? you looking like a prancing my little pony." He says. "I'm just super happy for you Zo!" Nami says. "I THOUGHT WE DISCUSSED YOU NOT CALLING ME THAT ANYMORE!!"

Nami giggled before saying "I don't recall Zo!" And grabbing her pay and leaving.

Zoro sat in utter regret of ever saying anything. "She didn't help at all. I should've never said anything to her." Tonight was going to be a looooooong night for Zoro.

Zoro and sanji. (That's the best I got)Where stories live. Discover now