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Monday came around and Sanji was at work doing the minimum. He didn't want to do a lot of movement because he didn't want his tattoo to mess up.

The door bell rings and sanji looked to see who it was, not to his surprise it was his friends Usopp and Luffy back for his food. "Look who it is. You guys eat here everyday, why not anywhere else?" Sanji asks.

The two kinda looked at each other and shrugged as they sat down. "Not quite sure. It may be because you're good at cooking and you give it to us free of charge." Usopp said in a goofy way.
"Say that again aloud I might have to stop." Sanji said as he gives the two sandwiches.

"By the way, when are you going to get that tattoo ready to be able to shown off?" Luffy asks with a mouth full. "Later this evening. After work I'm going to go next door and this green hair dude gonna help me." Sanji says.

Usopp and Luffy looked confused. "Green hair dude?" Usopp questioned. "Yeah, he goes by Zoro and he has mossy looking hair. Don't know if it's dyed or not but either way, he's helping me." Sanji said.

"Seems like a cool guy. He's the same guy that helped make your tattoo?" Luffy asks. "Yep, and I believe he said Nami would be back so I'll get to show her." Sanji said. "Who?" Luffy asked.

Luffy was quick to move out of the way when he saw a fry pan flying at him. "How dare you forget about Ms. Nami? She's too much of a beautiful woman to be forgotten about. She was sitting right next to you Luffy!"sanji yelled a little.

"Oh yeah. The red head girl. She's not bad looking." Luffy said. "Anyways, what does this Zoro guy look like beside mossy green hair?" Usopp asks.

Sanji stopped in his tracks to think. "Can you not remember?! You met him two days ago!" Usopp says.

"Yeah, I remember. He's...not bad looking either.." sanji said in a quiet tone. "Uh huh?...continue." Usopp said.

"Well, it's just...he's cool looking. He's kinda of a jerk face sometimes but he's somewhat nice. He's definitely the guy to fall under the topic H.O.T in those magazines you find at the store." Sanji says.

Luffy and Ussop looked at each other with weird looks. "So you're going to see him again today, right?" Usopp asks. "Yep. I won't lie I'm kinda excited." Sanji says. "Now if you don't mind I have to go clean some dishes. I'll be right back." Sanji says.

"Hey Luffy." Usopp whispered. "Hm? What is it?" Luffy ask. "After we leave let's not go back to the apartment with chopper, let's spy on sanji while he's at the tattoo shop." He says. "Why would we do that? It just sounds boring." Luffy said.

Luffy went to take a bite of his food but got bonk on the head by Usopp. "Idiot! We're going to spy on him to see what this Zoro guy looks like. You might be right for once about sanji and his relationships!" Usopp said.

Luffy rubbed his head a little and fixed his hat. "Fine, maybe you're right. I wanna see what this Zoro guy looks like too." Luffy says. "That's the spirit!" Usopp says and he finishes his food.

Usopp and Luffy waved bye to Sanji and went across the street at the boba shop waiting for sanji to close. Couple hours go by and Luffy fell asleep, Usopp was still on watch.

Usopp was about to fall asleep when he saw Sanji grab his coat and big the big lock on the door to keep Luffy out. He went to nudge Luffy awake but he pushed him a little to hard and he fell out the chair. Luffy stood right up and yelled a little. "Usopp! Why would you do that?!" Luffy asked.

Usopp grabbed his face and pushed it towards the window showing Sanji going next door to the tattoo parlor.
"Hey looks like he's going next door." Luffy said. "Exactly, so let's go." Usopp says dragging Luffy back across the street trying to be quiet.

Zoro and sanji. (That's the best I got)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum