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"Here you guys are. We're about to close so hurry up and eat." Sanji says as he sets Luffy plate on the table.

"Thanks for the food Sanji." Usopp says. "No problem." Sanji smiled.

After usopp and Luffy ate and left sanji was cleaning the table because of Luffy. Sanji gave him a napkin. Napkin ended up looking brand new when sanji grabbed it. "Gross." Sanji thought.

When sanji was cleaning the dishes he heard the bell on the door ring. Meaning someone walked in. "I'm sorry but we're closed." Sanji said.

He turned to see a tall girl with orange hair and big brown eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry. The sign still said open." She said. "No, no, it's okay. I'll make you something real quick. To go or stay?" Sanji asks. "To go please. Me and my friend are starving." The girl said.

Sanji laughed a little at the girls exaggeration. "I'll make it quickly then. Be right back." Sanji smiled.

After sanji made the food, he thought he could get to know her. She is a very pretty girl and just his type. Goofy and pretty. Nice too. "So are you from here?" Sanji said. "Yes. I actually work next door. I'm a tattoo artist and I online teach about navigation." She said.

Sanji was surprised. A tattoo artist AND a navigator? Sanji was starting to like her even more. "That's amazing. What's your name? I don't think I caught that." Sanji asks. "My name is Nami and my partner name is Zo.." Nami was cut off by her phone ringing.

"I'm sorry, just one second." Nami smiled. "Hello? Yes I have the food. Will you give me a damn minute. Ok fine. I'll see you in a second." Nami said ending the call.

"I'm sorry about that. I wish we can talk more but my partner is hungry." Nami said. "No it's okay, go. It was my fault to keep you here waiting." Sanji said smiling.

"Thank you so much. Oh I almost forgot to pay you." Nami said. "No its okay, really." Sanji said. "Please let me repay. You. I'll give you a free tattoo." Nami said smiling.

Sanji thought about it and he looked her up and down. "If it means there's a possible chance of her boobs pressed on me then definitely." Sanji thought.
"Deal." Sanji said.

Nami shook sanji hand and smiled. "Great! I'll give you my number for when you want to set an appointment." Nami said as she took a marker that magically came out of her bra and wrote her number on sanji note pad.

"There you go! Now I  have to go. Talk to you later!" Nami said leaving the restaurant. Sanji waved bye back and after she was gone sanji jumped behind the counter and started to fan girl while staring at the number.

"Sanji you genius! You somehow where able to get a number and a possibility to have boobs on you!!" Sanji thought.

Sanji stood up and dust himself off. "Okay. Now to close up shop for real."
He said. After doing so and locking the doors with an actual lock 🔒 on it. Luffy would try to get in at nights so he put a stronger lock.

Sanji thought about peeping in the tattoo parlor, but thought that'd be creepy. He doesn't want to pop up as being a creep into Nami head. So he decided to go home and sleep. It was busy that day. A good nights rest is what'll help.

Zoro and sanji. (That's the best I got)Where stories live. Discover now