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malia clung the puffer jacket closer to her body as she took one more look around the school parking lot.

if it wasn't for her overwhelming nerves occupying her body, the cold air would feel unbearable. hamil was right, it got even colder than before.

normally she would never be out this late at night in the cold but when aisha called her asking to come pick her up from the dance, it sounded urgent.

it worried malia how distressed her friend sounded on the phone, but what was worrying her now was how she was nowhere in sight and wasn't picking up her phone.

she sent one last text but there was still no answer.

so there malia sat on the sidewalk in the cold waiting for a couple minutes in hopes her friend would show up.

and for a while she was alone until she wasn't.

the sound of a twig snapping sent her on high alert immediately.

she turned thinking it was her friend but who she was met with was someone completely different.

she jumped a bit at the sight of a annoyed looking man who was only a few feet away from her.

"oh shit I didn't mean to scare you"

"no it's fine" she said and he only nodded before glumly walking the other way.

he seemed like he was going to turn the corner but he stopped in his tracks.

"hey you wouldn't happen to know anyone looking to join a dojo" he asked suddenly, surprising malia a bit

"a dojo?"

"yeah like a karate dojo, where we kick the shit out of people"

she took a look at the flyer that he slowly handed to her and examined it.

"oh so are you are the karate instructor?" she asked politely but she immediately went red when she noticed the look on the mans face.

"karate instruc- seriously kid" he scoffed, he took back the flyer before walking away towards the parking lot.

what did I say wrong she thought a bit confused. before she could fully process what had just happened her phone buzzed.

she looked down at the light up screen to see it was a text from aisha.

"malia I'm in the restroom, I don't have any perchdndnsn"

malia looked down at the message and frowned, she decided not to question the last part, and sent a quick text saying she was on her way.

she walked towards the building, and sighed in relief when she was met with warm air. although it was warm inside,there was not a single person around and there was a lack of light in the hallway giving it a dim look

it felt like a fever dream to see the schools after hours with no around, it was almost a bit spooky.

she walked towards the cafeteria following the muffled sound of music, turning from hallway to hallway checking the closest restrooms from the dance but it was no hope, the only people around were couples making out in the hallway.

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