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"everything is exactly the same" Malia muttered taking in her messy room. The same clutter that she left when she was rushing to pack.

Half the stuff on the floor, she couldn't remember taking out. She spent so much time at her family's house in France, her room felt so foreign.

"I'll have the cleaners here by tomorrow miss Harlow" Dorothy assured watching Malia kick some item of clothing away from her feet

Malia only nodded before throwing her bags off to the side. Normally she wouldn't want anyone in her room, but she knew she wouldn't have the energy to
clean it anyways.

"you must be tired, I'll leave you to rest" and with that Dorothy left leaving Malia alone.

Malia threw some clothes off her bed before getting in, she felt an extreme hit of exhaustion and felt her eyes grow heavy.

I hope I don't regret coming back she thought before letting her mind drift.

2 weeks later

"he wants you back in school on Monday?" sloan asked as she took a sip of her lemonade

"I put it off for too long anyways. I was suppose to come back last week" Malia sighed taking a sip of her water.

The fact that she got 2 weeks was a miracle. She already missed so much school, and you would think her parents would understand considering the circumstances. But instead they gave her hell over it.

"at least I'll have someone I like at school" hamil said trying to lighten the mood, but it only made sloan scoff.

Malia chuckled, as she watched the two glare at each other. These two weeks were stressful but they both knew how to cheer her up with their silly antics

"can you both stop acting like y'all hate each other and just get together already" Malia joked making sloan and Hamil freeze.

I think I hit a nerve she thought as she watched sloan give her an appalled look

"please don't insult me Malia, me with her? Please" hamil said annoyed before taking a bite of his French fry.

"if anyone is insulted it's me. As if I would wanna be seen around with you" she laughed bitterly making Hamil roll his eyes.

as bad as it sounds, it was true. truthfully if it wasn't for Malia, sloan and Hamil wouldn't even interact. They only put up with each other because they were both always around Malia. Especially these past two weeks she's been back.

the two were both so different but yet so alike which is probably why they can't stand each other.

malia found herself laughing at the two as she took a bite out of her food. Halfway into the bite she began to feel a familiar sick feeling in the pit of her stomach, and she found herself hit with nausea.

It was happening again.

She immediately stopped chewing and gripped her fork. Her mind wandered again, flashbacks that made her stomach twists and she knew that she needed to find the nearest restroom

"hey are you ok?" hamil asked worried as he noticed Malia just staring with food in her mouth. She looked uneasy.

"I realized I have to pee, shouldn't have drank so much water" she lied looking at her two friends who were skeptical toward the girl.

this wasn't the first time it happened, but it was the first time she hid it well. It seemed they were believing her.

she stood up and grabbed her bag.

"I'll be right back" she said gripping her stomach, smiling at the two.

"I'll come with you" sloan protested but Malia insisted she'll be right back.

which was a lie.

Malia found herself throwing up and crying in the bathroom for how sick she felt. She was so glad it was just her in the restroom, or she would have died of embarrassment.

She wiped her face and popped in some beneath mints before walking out the mall restroom.

The restroom wasn't far from the food court and it was in fact close to a jewelry store that immediately caught Malia eye.

she didn't want to face her friends with her puffed up cheeks, so she decided to go in until she looked in her normal state

the smell of leather hit Malia nose as she walked in to the small jewelry store. There was about 2 people in there but they looked as if they were going to leave.

"Welcome to madden jewelry" a sale associate welcomed making Malia send a smile her way.

She looked around for a couple minutes until she got a text from Hamil asking where she was, and if he could have a piece of her chicken.

"my mom is going to kill me, this is just great Eli" a agitated voice said making Malia stop typing.

"I said i was sorry" the voice was so soft, she was surprised she heard it from far away.

"sorry won't repair the damages. Let's hope they can fix it" she was going to turn around to see the distant voices but her phone caught her attention again.

Her eyes widened at the threat of Hamil threatening to come into the women's restroom if she didn't come out, and how awkward it was between him and sloan.

she immediately put her phone in her pocket before turning on her heel to leave

it was only a brief moment look, but she was passing two boys, who she guessed was the ones talking from a couple of seconds. She only gave a soft smile to the two boys who were only staring at her starstruck, as she was now walking away.

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