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"cyber bullying is no laughing matter-"

malia was tuning out vice principle blatt so she could finish the last bit of homework that was due next period.

she didn't even realize she hadn't finished it until she found it in her folder this morning, and thank goodness she did because she couldn't risk being behind on anything.

"I'm not going to name names, but the other day a mother called me up, because her son was crying after some kids online made fun of his face deformity"

and for the first time since she's been sitting there, she finally looked up from her paper.

did she hear that right?

the cafeteria immediately broke out into fits of whispering as everyone's attention was now on eli.

across the cafeteria he was covering his face with his sleeve, while everyone was now laughing and pointing at him.

in what way was what counselor blatt said was funny?

suddenly the muffled laughs, struck a nerve. malia was now consumed with anger, tightening her grip on her pencil.

"are you ok?" malia ignored hamil, and was now glaring furiously at a group of kids who were laughing and pointing.

they completely stopped, horrified expression displayed on their face as they realized she was staring daggers at them.

"but today our goal here is to make this school a safe space for all students-"

"safe space my ass" malia heard hamil say

"one last thing-"

"while we're all looking forward to the halloween dance, let's make sure.. our costumes are culturally sensitive- Instead of "sexy nurse", Maybe try "gender neutral hospital employee" she spoke sincerely which only earned a few laughs from the students.

malia ignored counselor blatt speech and instead looked over to eli to see if he was ok or at least looked ok.

she met his eyes immediately, because he had already been looking at her, with a unreadable expression on his face.

an expression she's never seen him show.

it was almost like he read her mind, and he immediately broke eye contact. but only for a split seconds before looking back.

malia was still staring though, now with a wide smile plastered on her face.

it took her a few seconds to realize she was smiling at him unintentionally, the sides of her cheeks suddenly beginning to hurt.

she must look like a complete dork she thought.

she was about to look away embarrassed, until the unexpected happened.

malia watched in awe as the corner of his lips began to slowly turn upwards, a soft yet small smile appearing on his face.

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