"In the parking lot after the game. Now what hurts?"

"Mostly my shoulder."

"Shirt off," she instructs while putting some stuff from a tube into her hand. I do as I am told and pull my shirt off while she crawls over to me and inspects my shoulder. "Did you see the trainer already?"

"Yes it is fine, just sore." She nods before spreading the stuff on my shoulder and gently massaging it in. "You don't have to take care of me, Beck."

"Nope," she replies, popping the p, "I don't. But you take care of me, I take care of you. We take care of each other, Ry. Besides, if you have a bum shoulder, who is going to dance with me?"

"Who says I am dancing with you again, butt? Who says that wasn't a one time deal?"

She scoots more in front of me and gives me the saddest look she can muster. She knows her sadness is my weakness which is dangerous, I can't even begin to imagine the lengths I will go for this girl. "Please?"

For a second I forget what we were saying as she straddles my one thigh, her small fingers still gently rubbing my shoulder. I have my one arm holding me up while the other is looped around her waist. Kissing her right now would be so easy. Pulling her against my chest, flipping us over so she is pinned beneath me, all of it would be so easy but my friendship with her means more than I am willing to sacrifice. "Okay, okay, you win," I sigh, coming back to reality.

"Yes, now get dressed, let's go, let's go!" Francesca crawls off me searching my closet for something she approves of. I could easily fight her and just wear my sweatpants and t-shirt downstairs but as she looks at shirts against my hats trying to match them, I let her win without a fight. If she is happy than the 30 seconds it will take me to change is worth it.

When we make it downstairs Francesca wastes no time fighting her way to the middle of the dance floor with all our friends. The little demon doesn't even let me get a drink first before she is dragging me onto the dance floor. Thankfully I have Tristian, Bray, Parker, and Stan to make me feel less awkward, and of course Francesca who grabbing my hand in hers.

After a full hour of dancing Tristian and Luna have vanished, Stan managed to get Maya alone, Parker and Bray are in what looks like a heated conversation and I am alone with Francesca. "Question?" I ask between songs.

"Answer," she replies.

"Are the heels because you don't like being so small or are they to fight off the demons."

"Demons, no way I would endure this pain for height. I accepted years ago I was a shortie"

I hate that she is in pain, I hate even more that I am the reason. "Lets go sit for a few Beck, I want a drink anyways."

I lead us both off the dance floor to the kitchen. Without asking I pick Francesca up and set her on the cleanest part of the counter so she can rest her feet, before grabbing us each a drink. "Can I get you anything?"

"New shoes," she whines as she kicks her heels off showing off a cute pair of turtle socks. I am starting to think she doesn't own a single pair of normal socks; they always have some sort of design on them.

"I can go to your apartment and get you new shoes if you want?"

Francesca laughs, wrapping her arms around me. "You once again are the sweetest Ry but it is ok, I will just call it quits for tonight."

"No more dancing," I ask hopefully.

"Nah we are done, you look like you're about to fall asleep anyways. Want to just go upstairs and hang with the ladies?"

Double Booked | 509 Series Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now