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─── WHY DO BRITISH PEOPLE look like they are high on drugs, I mean Americans are worse but still

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─── WHY DO BRITISH PEOPLE look like they are high on drugs, I mean Americans are worse but still

FINDING A EMPTY SEAT HARD since first years were running around all the places, it just so happens that every single cabin has students filled in. Coraline almost gave up but she did not want to end up in a bathroom so, with all her courage that fuelled within the past three days she finally opened one of the cabin doors.

A girl with bushy hair and a pretty face, a boy with messy brown hair and glasses, and a redhead who practically looked like a carrot if it had freckles looked straight into her soul. They were intimidating with three eyes piercing on Coraline made her uncomfortable.

"Er- Hi- Can I sit here?" She awkwardly asked while pushing her bag on her shoulder more so it wouldn't fall.

The three blinked in sync like robots but they also looked like serial Killers on a killing spree. Maybe she chose the wrong compartment because Coraline didn't want to sit with a bunch of weirdos who stare at people like they are going to kidnap.

"Umm can I?" Coraline asked again clearing her throat trying to ease the tension.

"No we don't mind please take a seat," The boy with the weird lightning-shaped scar offered her moving to the right so she could sit.

"I am Harry potter by the way and I have never seen you before," He asked looking at her curiously.

"That's because I am new," She stated clasping her hand together on her lap. "I am a transfer student from Ilvermorny. This is my first year at Hogwarts,"

"Ilvermorny? I have heard about that school. Isn't it located in America? I am Hermione and what's your name?"

"Yup it's in America and I am Coraline Jackson," She smiled at her. God she was bad at talking to others, is this what others say dying on the inside because Coraline sure was cringing at her choice of sentences.

"Are you some type of a veela?" The carrot top asked her. Coraline was confused once again when he had asked the question because she had no idea what a veela is and assumed it was some type of insult or a compliment.

"Ronald!" Hermione slapped
his arm. "You can't just ask someone if they are Veela," She glared at him,
all Coraline did now and sit there and
watch them bicker which made it so uncomfortable watching two strangers argue in front of her.

"I am sorry about them," Harry apologized. "You don't mind me asking why you transferred here?" He said shifting closer to her.

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